Call For Papers BCIRWIS 2021: Bayesian causal inference for real world 
interactive systems - (KDD 2021 Workshop)

Increasingly we use machine learning to build interactive systems that learn 
from past actions and the reward obtained. Theory suggests several possible 
approaches, such as contextual bandits, reinforcement learning, the 
do-calculus, or plain old Bayesian decision theory. What are the most 
theoretically appropriate and practical approaches to doing causal inference 
for interactive systems?

We are particularly interested in case studies of applying machine learning 
methods to interactive systems that did or did notuse Bayesian or likelihood 
based methods, with a discussion about why this choice was made in terms of 
practical or theoretical arguments. We also welcome submissions in the 
following areas:

  *   Offline evaluation of recommender and interactive systems.
  *   Comparison of Bayesian, off-policy and other heuristic approaches for 
offline metrics.
  *   Probabilistic approaches applied to contextual bandits and reinforcement 
learning approaches.
  *   Probabilistic approaches to incrementality and attribution.
  *   Non-Bayesian approaches and trade-offs with Bayesian/Likelihood 
  *   Bayesian methods in a production environment.

Papers should be a three (3) page extended abstract, excluding references and 
appendices, and will be selected for contributed talks or for posters. Papers 
should be in PDF format and use the anonymized ACM Proceedings 
Template<>. Please submit 
your papers to the CMT web 


If the research has previously appeared in a journal, workshop, or conference 
(including KDD 2021), the workshop submission should extend that previous work. 
Parallel submissions (such as to other conferences) are permitted.

Paper Submission Deadline: May 10th, 2021, 11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth

Paper Notification: June 10th, 2021

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