Dear all, please find below a vacancy for a Research Associate /
Postdoc position in machine learning and knowledge representation at
the University of Edinburgh.

Brief overview (more details in the link above):

Data science provides many opportunities to improve private and public
life, and it has enjoyed significant investment in the UK, EU and
elsewhere. Discovering patterns and structures in large troves of data
in an automated manner — that is, machine learning — is a core
component of data science. It currently drives applications in
computational biology, natural language processing and robotics.
However, such a highly positive impact is coupled to a significant
challenge: when can we convincingly deploy these methods in our
workplaces? For example:

(a) how can we elicit intuitive explanations from the decisions
offered by these methods?

(b) would these decisions be amenable to suggestions/preferences from
non-expert users?

(c) how can we provide correctness guarantees for the underlying computations?

Such questions are clearly vital for appreciating the benefits of AI
in human-machine collectives. The EPSRC project " Towards Robust
Statistical AI: A Symbolic Approach” attempts first steps towards this
direction, by building on:

(1) State-of-the-art probabilistic inference techniques

(2) Bayesian learning and statistical relational learning

The position will be an opportunity to conduct research on questions
such as those above, and demonstrate it on novel natural language
processing / understanding problems.

The post is full time and available from 1st June 2018 for 12 months.

Informal enquiries can be addressed to: Vaishak Belle (

Closing Date: Wednesday 21st March 2018 at 5pm (GMT)

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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