
Adair is very familiar with licensed links, and this is not his first Rodeo.

I know the question he is asking.. and I would be curious to the answer as 

I also have a AF11x link that is not achieving 10x modulation  (and yes Seth 
the Tx and sensitivity is specified in the coordination doc !).


Faisal Imtiaz
Snappy Internet & Telecom

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----- Original Message -----
> From: "Seth Mattinen" <>
> To: "Ubiquiti Users Group" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 10:47:15 AM
> Subject: Re: [Ubnt_users] AF11 10x

> On 3/23/18 7:29 AM, Adair Winter wrote:
>> This has nothing to do with his question. Increasing power would only
>> lower his modulation anyway, not increase it like he's trying to do.
> It's licensed. If you don't have enough margin for a given RX
> sensitivity, you won't get a given modulation. But one could also be
> licensed for a lower power to prevent interference somewhere else. All
> your link data should mathed out and easily determined. But I can see
> this is actually a random guesses thread so I'll leave it be, good luck
> to y'all.
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