Just to clarify, Azotel SIMPLer's WIB unit does not have to sit inline on your 
network, although it can, it is not required to in every network. Azotel 
SIMPLer will integrate with a RADIUS system just fine, and then use the NAS's 
on your network to do the work according to the attributes from the RADIUS 
server. We are seeing many more networks being deployed this way for better 
scalability. But, for monitoring and provisioning support from Azotel SIMPLer, 
we would need to put the unit in the network somewhere (not inline) and it 
would securely connect to the SIMPLer server, whether onsite in your data 
center or in the cloud to report alerts or provisioning information. 

Scott Alerding 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Daniel Peoples" <dpe...@gmail.com> 
To: "Ubiquiti Users Group" <ubnt_users@wispa.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 11:42:38 AM 
Subject: Re: [Ubnt_users] New airControl 

Depending on the direction that the tool takes, it could be gold or a great big 
poo stain. 

If it is a free to use tool like ac1 or ac2, it will have that initial spert of 
awesome that will taper to nothing in a year or two. It will eventually be 
stuck by the wayside, as there just isn't enough margin in a $100 radio to 
support a tool like this. 
Can Cambium or anyone else like them do this better? Sure, but they have ap's 
that cost 10 times as much, and SM's that cost 4 to 5 times as much so they can 
support these tools. 

If it is a paid(MRC) billing platform, it will more than likely mature into 
something that is MUCH better than ac 1 or 2 , and something that actually on 
the billing side approaches a real billing software and CPE management system. 

All of this said, I run AC1 for management and swiftfox for billing, the two 
programs both do exactly what I want from them, and that is ALL I want them to 
do. If ubnt makes a product that does both functions and is around the same 
price or even higher per cpe, then hoo rah, saves me complexity in billing and 

As for the "cloud" side of this, yes it will always have more vulnerabilities 
than my ac1 server that doesn't even know where the internet is, but you have 
to put your billing system on the internet so that it can process a CC, and 
don't forget that your azotel or your powercode bmu sets IN the data stream. 
DDOS the box and your entire internet connection dies, because they have you to 
route the information through the hardware. 
BUT at the same time, my new installer doesn't even know that ac1 exists passed 
me showing him stat graphs, and he couldn't possibly hope to learn how you tie 
all of that stuff together to make the solid picture that I do when I look at 
all of the stuff together. 

I honestly don't see what all the nay saying is about. If they do it right, it 
will be a properly good tool, if they don't do it right, the adoption numbers 
will tell them that they did wrong. 

Daniel Peoples 
Resonance Broadband 
918-429-36 20 

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Justin Wilson < li...@mtin.net > wrote: 

Thank you UBNT for treating your customers like they are just a bunch of 
hobbyists. There are many of us trying to run a business and having the 
proper tools to do that is essential. For several years we have been 
told that Air Control is being active developed, we have programmers 
working on it, etc. 

I have ran a small WISP (1800+ UBNT devices) and if it wasn¹t for the few 
piece of AC that worked it would have been a nightmare upgrading firmware, 
and checking on the worst performing clients. Sure, we could have spent 
countless hours on writing scripts, integrating with 3rd party tools, but 
I shouldn¹t have to. If you give me a tool, make it work at one point. I 
can get that Beta software is, just that, Beta Software. Has anyone at 
UBNT actually tried to manage 2000 devices? Upgrading firmware, making 
changes, monitoring, etc. 

It¹s insulting that we spend good money. At one point, we were spending 
20-30k a month buying UBNT products. I realize margins are thin, 
marketing, overhead, blah blah blah. But, if my folks spent less time 
monkeying with firmware upgrades and the like they could put on more 
customers. More customers means more revenue for UBNT. Not to mention 
the fact that I am sure there are operators out there who would PAY for a 
working AC. Why? Because it saves them labor! Saving labor means saving 
money! That¹s a benefit. There are reasons products like Observium and 
Nagios which have paid and free Versions. I would pay money if it meant I 
had less hassle. 

Cloud based for a network monitoring solution? Really? This is such a bad 
idea. How many years will this product be in Alpha or Beta? I installed 
the CMS from Cambium and guess what? It worked? Because it worked my 
client is now sold on Cambium. They see that its an integrated solution. 
Market toward the bean counters AND the geeks. Not just throw it out there. 

I know that¹s more than my .02 but dang. You missed the boat UBNT. 


Justin Wilson < j...@mtin.net > 
http://www.mtin.net < http://www.mtin.net/blog > 
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