Hi Mattias,

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 10:50:12PM +0100, mattias wrote:
> Any blind users here

I do. 
> If so
> Have you completely switch to linux?

Totally not.
> If so
> How do you manage your ipod?

My sighted partner does uses iTunes on a non-Linux PC;
let me explain:
- at the VERY VERY first sync you need (/mandatory) iTunes so that the
device should be recognized and synced:
there is no way yet to do this under Gnu/Linux

- but, it's important to have a look at the libimobiledevice.org project,
  these libs and tools are now shipped with Ubuntu, they do have a ML where
  people are exchanging thos experiences in using i(Products) with the
  libimobiledevice packages.
AFAIK the iProducts may be synced with Rhythmbox, GTKpod or Amarok, all
these packs are available on your Ubuntu distro if wanted!

But I'm not sure about those usability with Orca aso!

Cf. http://www.libimobiledevice.org
or apt-cache search imobile |more


Y P 


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