A friend needs orca to speak faster and with less punctuation than is in
the defaults in gsettings in ubuntu 19.10.
Since I'm most of 900 miles away from him and he has no other linux
support in that community I figured installing and running espeakup in
console and only running orca for a few things that needed it would be the
safest option.
Rather than advise him to do anything, I put ubuntu 19.10 on a disk and
got orca working and got espeakup
installed and enabled.
I also updated grub so it wouldn't do graphics and removed splash. Then I
rebooted the machine and got orca talking and not espeakup.
It could be that kernel line in grub needs a 3 appended to it to get
espeakup working.
I'll try that next.
One thing would help if installing ubuntu-mate-environment if all
suggested packages could also install automatically.
I'm going to have to get espeakup working and use its clipboard facilities
to add those suggested packages for now.


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