---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ali/amjjawad <amjja...@ubuntu.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: Re-verification
To: Jared Norris <jrnor...@gmail.com>
Cc: ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 7:22 PM, Jared Norris <jrnor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good evening all,

Good morning, everyone :)

> I have been advised this week that we as a team are up for re-verification
> shortly. However based upon my view I do not think we as a team would meet
> the requirements [1] to be a verified LoCo. There was a lot of discussion
> on the list last time this came up so wanted to put this out to the team
> before accepting this fate.


I checked the page quickly and I don't think we'll be accepted as a
verified LoCo team :(

> Essentially while I see we have the solid background and resources our
> actual activity has dropped significantly over the last several cycles.
> While I believe there are significant numbers of Australians contributing
> greatly to the Ubuntu project in various ways I don't believe there is much
> advocacy work being carried out, which is what the LoCo is primarily used
> for [2].

Why? I mean is it our fault? or it's just the users became more
self-learner and they don't need any extra help? there must be a reason.
Perhaps we all got busy with real life and that's why our activities

> If we are to accept that we will not be a verified team there would be no
> significant change to what we have done in the past. We will still have
> this mailing list, we will still have a website [3], we will still have the
> Launchpad team [4] and we will still have the IRC channel [5].

That's good, IMHO.

> As described on the wiki page linked [1] the only benefit of being a
> verified team is an auto allocation of CDs and the ability to more easily
> obtain larger conference packs. While we have used these in the past I
> haven't had a request for either over the last 2 cycles so cannot see this
> greatly impacting on our team.

Hmm, I see.

> So if anyone would like to seek re-verification please let us all know, if
> I don't hear anything in the next week I will assume the team is happy to
> let verification slip.

I'm sorry for the late reply. I was about to say that I'm ready to step in
and help but I gave it another thought and I did read the wiki page


I don't think we can do it as of now.

My question is: can we do that later? for example, if we can prove, after
months for example, that we have activities and all ... can we apply
anytime?! I don't think there is some kind of time frame for that, right? I
think once a team meets the requirements, that team can apply, correct?

> As always, if anyone is interested in running some local events the team
> and I are here to support you, just shoot the list an email.

I'll keep that in mind, thanks :)

> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamVerificationGuidelines
> [2] http://loco.ubuntu.com/about-loco/
> [3] http://ubuntu.org.au/
> [4] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-au
> [5] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/IRC
> Regards,
> Jared Norris
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au
Thank you for letting us know :)

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."

Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>

*http://kibo.computer <http://kibo.computer>* - http://torios.net - Ubuntu
GNOME <http://ubuntugnome.org/>

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."

Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>

*http://kibo.computer <http://kibo.computer>* - http://torios.net - Ubuntu
GNOME <http://ubuntugnome.org/>
ubuntu-au mailing list

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