Public bug reported:
I have Sun Java6 installed, but it seems to be Java 5?? Details follow
$ lsb_release -rd
Description:Ubuntu 9.04
Installed packages:
$ aptitude search sun-java
p sun-java5-bin - Sun
Java(TM) Runti
I have the same problem (for a while). It started on Ubuntu 8.10 (no
problems on 8.04) and seems to be account-specific (other accounts work
on my computer). My account works fine in Amsn too.
The problem: when pidgin loads, it connects to my MSN account, fetches
my buddy list and does what it's s
I have the same problem (for a while). It started on Ubuntu 8.10 (no
problems on 8.04) and seems to be account-specific (other accounts work
on my computer). My account works fine in Amsn too.
The problem: when pidgin loads, it connects to my MSN account, fetches
my buddy list and does what it's s
Hi Florian,
I've contacted the webmaster about that, but haven't got an answer (or
fix) yet ... I didn't see a more specific "contact"-link, so had to send
it to the webmaster.
do-release-upgrade fails to fetch package lists/packages (Hash sum mismatch)
The update process is fixed, the problem seems to be that the "-d" flag
isn't necessary for anymore (which was necessary for me since i
started updated before the release). Run it without "-d" and it should
work fine.
I suggest that this bug still remains open, and that the tool finds a
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: update-manager-core
I have a bunch of vservers running dapper LTS. I've upgraded almost all
of them to hardy without problems, but the last two fail suddenly ...
I start the upgrade (do-release-upgrade -d), and the tool downloads a lot of
stuff, but fai