[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-23 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
$ ./CTSlab.py --nodes "groovy01 groovy02 groovy03" --once --no-loop-tests 
--no-unsafe-tests --outputfile ~/cts.log
Sep 24 04:40:29  BEGINNING 15 TESTS
Sep 24 04:40:29 Stack:  corosync 2+ (crm-corosync)
Sep 24 04:40:29 Schema: pacemaker-3.0
Sep 24 04:40:29 Scenario:   Every Test Once
Sep 24 04:40:29 CTS Master:
Sep 24 04:40:29 CTS Logfile:/home/rafaeldtinoco/cts.log
Sep 24 04:40:29 Random Seed:1600922428
Sep 24 04:40:29 Syslog variant: rsyslog
Sep 24 04:40:29 System log files:   /var/log/messages
Sep 24 04:40:29 Cluster starts at boot: 1
Sep 24 04:40:29 Cluster nodes:
Sep 24 04:40:29 * groovy01
Sep 24 04:40:29 * groovy02
Sep 24 04:40:29 * groovy03
Sep 24 04:40:32 Writing log with key: 02c86ca5-acb3-4498-bfa6-726a53b23da6
Sep 24 04:40:32 Testing for combined syslog logs
Sep 24 04:40:38 Testing for journal logs
Sep 24 04:40:39 Continuing with journal-based log reader
Sep 24 04:40:45 Stopping crm-corosync on node groovy01
Sep 24 04:40:50 Stopping crm-corosync on node groovy02
Sep 24 04:40:55 Stopping crm-corosync on node groovy03
Sep 24 04:40:57 Starting Cluster Manager on all nodes.
Sep 24 04:40:59 Starting crm-corosync on node groovy01
Sep 24 04:41:28 Starting crm-corosync on node groovy01
Sep 24 04:41:28 Starting crm-corosync on node groovy02
Sep 24 04:41:29 Starting crm-corosync on node groovy03
Sep 24 04:41:50 Running test Flip   (groovy03)[  1]
Sep 24 04:42:34 Running test Restart(groovy01)[  2]
Sep 24 04:43:00 Running test Stonithd   (groovy03)[  3]
Sep 24 04:44:07 Running test StartOnebyOne  (groovy03)[  4]
Sep 24 04:46:29 Running test SimulStart (groovy02)[  5]
Sep 24 04:47:23 Running test SimulStop  (groovy03)[  6]
Sep 24 04:47:39 Running test StopOnebyOne   (groovy03)[  7]
Sep 24 04:48:44 Running test RestartOnebyOne(groovy02)[  8]
Sep 24 04:50:23 Running test PartialStart   (groovy03)[  9]
Sep 24 04:51:08 Running test Standby(groovy02)[ 10]
Sep 24 04:52:03 Running test MaintenanceMode(groovy01)[ 11]
Sep 24 04:52:26 Running test ResourceRecover(groovy03)[ 12]
Sep 24 04:52:33 Command '/usr/lib/pacemaker/cts-exec-helper -R -r 
fence-groovy01' failed. Binary or pacemaker-cts package not installed?
Sep 24 04:52:33 Command '/usr/lib/pacemaker/cts-exec-helper -R -r 
fence-groovy01' failed. Binary or pacemaker-cts package not installed?
Sep 24 04:52:33 Command '/usr/lib/pacemaker/cts-exec-helper -R -r 
fence-groovy01' failed. Binary or pacemaker-cts package not installed?
Sep 24 04:52:33 Test ResourceRecoverFAILED: fence-groovy01 was 
not recovered and is inactive
Sep 24 04:52:41 Running test Reattach   (groovy03)[ 13]
Sep 24 04:54:03 Running test SpecialTest1   (groovy02)[ 14]
Sep 24 04:55:05 Running test NearQuorumPoint(groovy02)[ 15]
Sep 24 04:55:20 Stopping Cluster Manager on all nodes
Sep 24 04:55:20 Stopping crm-corosync on node groovy03
Sep 24 04:55:28 
Sep 24 04:55:28 Overall Results:{'success': 14, 'failure': 1, 'BadNews': 0, 
'skipped': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test Summary
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test Flip:{'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test Restart: {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test Stonithd:{'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test StartOnebyOne:   {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test SimulStart:  {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test SimulStop:   {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test StopOnebyOne:{'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test RestartOnebyOne: {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test PartialStart:{'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test Standby: {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test MaintenanceMode: {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test ResourceRecover: {'calls': 1, 'failure': 1, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test Reattach:{'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test SpecialTest1:{'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28 Test NearQuorumPoint: {'calls': 1, 'failure': 0, 'skipped': 
0, 'auditfail': 0}
Sep 24 04:55:28  TESTS COMPLETED

The test that fails does it because we have a debian patch removing
"cts-exec-helper" from the Debian 

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-23 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - []
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-01-01 00:00:00Z]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-01-01 00:00:00Z/]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [PT2S/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-13-01 00:00:00Z/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [20191077T15/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-10-01T25:00:00Z/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-10-01T24:00:01Z/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [PT5H/20191001T007000Z]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-10-01 00:00:80Z/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-10-01 00:00:10 +25:00/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [20191001T10 -00:61/P1M]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [P1Y/2019-02-29 00:00:00Z]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [2019-01-01 00:00:00Z/P]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [P1Z/2019-02-20 00:00:00Z]
* Passed: iso8601- Invalid period - [P1YM/2019-02-20 00:00:00Z]
* Passed: iso8601- 2014-01-01 00:30:00 - 1 Hour
* Passed: iso8601- Valid date - Feb 29 in leap year
* Passed: iso8601- Valid date - using 'T' and offset
* Passed: iso8601- 24:00:00 equivalent to 00:00:00 of next day
* Passed: iso8601- 2006-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2006-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2006-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2006-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2007-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2007-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2007-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2007-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2008-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2008-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2008-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2008-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2010-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2010-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2010-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2010-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2011-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2011-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2011-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2011-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2012-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2012-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2012-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2012-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2013-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2013-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2013-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2013-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2014-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2014-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2014-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2014-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2015-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2015-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2015-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2015-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2016-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2016-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2016-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2016-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2017-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2017-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2017-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2017-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2018-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2018-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2018-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2018-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2040-W01-7
* Passed: iso8601- 2040-W01-7 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2040-W01-1
* Passed: iso8601- 2040-W01-1 - round-trip
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-W53-07
* Passed: iso8601- epoch + 2 Years 5 Months 6 Minutes
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-01-31 + 1 Month
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-01-31 + 2 Months
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-01-31 + 3 Months
* Passed: iso8601- 2009-03-31 - 1 Month
* Passed: iso8601- 2038-01-01 + 3 Months
* Passed: cibadmin   - Validate CIB
* Passed: crm_attribute  - Configure something before erasing
* Passed: cibadmin   - Require --force for CIB erasure
* Passed: cibadmin   - Allow CIB erasure with --force
* Passed: cibadmin   - Query CIB
* Passed: crm_attribute  - Set cluster option
* Passed: cibadmin   - Query new cluster option
* Passed: cibadmin   - Query cluster options
* Passed: crm_attribute  - Set no-quorum policy
* Passed: cibadmin   - Delete nvpair
* Passed: cibadmin   - Create operation should fail
* Passed: cibadmin   - Modify cluster options section
* Passed: cibadmin   - Query updated cluster option
* Passed: crm_attribute  - Set duplicate cluster option
* Passed: crm_attribute  - Setting multiply defined cluster option should fail
* Passed: crm_attribute  

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-23 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
** Merge proposal unlinked:

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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-23 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Merge proposal linked:

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-22 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
The feature was announced by the following e-mail:

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [ClusterLabs] Coming in Pacemaker 2.0.5: on-fail=demote / 
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 11:47:24 -0500
From: Ken Gaillot 
Reply-To: Cluster Labs - All topics related to open-source clustering welcomed 

Organization: Red Hat
To: Cluster Labs - All topics related to open-source clustering welcomed 

Hi all,

Looking ahead to the Pacemaker 2.0.5 release expected at the end of
this year, here is a new feature already in the master branch.

When configuring resource operations, Pacemaker lets you set an "on-
fail" policy to specify whether to restart the resource, fence the
node, etc., if the operation fails. With 2.0.5, a new possible value
will be "demote", which will mean "demote this resource but do not
fully restart it".

"Demote" will be a valid value only for promote actions, and for
recurring monitors with "role" set to "Master".

Once the resource is demoted, it will be eligible for promotion again,
so if the promotion scores have not changed, a promote on the same node
may be attempted. If this is not desired, the agent can change the
promotion scores either in the failed monitor or the demote.

The intended use case is an application where a successful demote assures a 
well-functioning service, and a full restart would be
unnecessarily heavyweight. A large database might be an example.

Similarly, Pacemaker offers the cluster-wide "no-quorum-policy" option
to specify what happens to resources when quorum is lost (the default
being to stop them). With 2.0.5, "demote" will be a possible value here
as well, and will mean "demote all promotable resources and stop all
other resources".

The intended use case is an application that cannot cause any harm
after being demoted, and may be useful in a demoted role even if there
is no quorum. A database that operates read-only when demoted and
doesn't depend on any non-promotable resources might be an example.

Happy clustering :)
Ken Gaillot 

** Description changed:

  In bug:
  I did the stabilization patches for pacemaker 2.0.4.. and I did not
  merge this feature so it could have its own FFe (this bug).
  The following patch-set:
  *  this is the no-quorum-policy feature microsoft needs for mssqlserver
  | * c4429d86e - Log: scheduler: downgrade "active on" messages to trace (3 
  | * 7eec572db - Build: libcrmcommon: bump CRM feature set (3 months ago)  Wishlist

** Changed in: pacemaker (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided => High

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-22 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
I'm now running all pacemaker cluster test suite on this pacemaker
(together with latest changes in all HA stack for Groovy). Will make
sure there are no regressions in this version AND this package will
continue being maintained by Ubuntu Server team.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-22 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
Release team, I would like this to be an exception so I can add a new
feature to pacemaker: the on-fail="demote" recovery policy for the
pacemaker policy engine.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-22 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
* Post 2.0.4 feature backport: on-fail="demote" recovery policy (LP: #1896223)
  - [c4429d86e] Log: scheduler: downgrade "active on" messages to trace
  - [01c5ec67e] Low: scheduler: match initial no-quorum-policy struct value to
  - [015b5c012] Doc: Pacemaker Explained: document no-quorum-policy=demote
  - [5d809e136] Test: scheduler: add regression test
  - [b1ae35938] Feature: scheduler: support "demote" choice
  - [0b6834453] Refactor: scheduler: functionize checking quorum policy
  - [d4b9117e7] Doc: Pacemaker Explained: correct on-fail default
  - [204961e95] Doc: Pacemaker Explained: document new on-fail="demote" option
  - [d29433ea5] Test: scheduler: add regression tests for on-fail="demote"
  - [874f75e0f] Feature: scheduler: new on-fail="demote" recovery policy
  - [2f1e2df1f] Feature: xml: add on-fail="demote" option to resources schema
  - [fd55a6660] Doc: libpacemaker: improve comments for resource state
  - [98c3b649f] Log: libpacemaker: check for re-promotes specifically
  - [ff6aebecf] Doc: libpacemaker: improve comments when logging actions
  - [f2d244bc4] Test: scheduler: test forcing a restart instead of reload
  - [a4d6a20a9] Low: libpacemaker: don't force stop when skipping reload
  - [8dceba792] Refactor: scheduler: use more appropriate types in a couple
  - [ef246ff05] Fix: scheduler: disallow on-fail=stop for stop operations
  - [f1f71b3f3] Refactor: scheduler: functionize comparing on-fail values

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-22 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Merge proposal linked:

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 1896223] Re: [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql sevrer)

2020-09-22 Thread Rafael David Tinoco
This is the same as:

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

  [FFe] this is the no-quorum-policy feature (specially for mssql

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

ubuntu-bugs mailing list