Hi all,

As LightDM is scheduled to be the default display manager in Oneric by
Alpha 2 it would be awesome if we can get as many testers as possible,
so please be a guinea pig!

If you are using Oneric you can install it from Universe:
$ sudo apt-get install lightdm lightdm-greeter-example-gtk

If using Natty you can install it from the PPA:
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:lightdm-team/ppa

Expect less features than the current GDM (e.g. user switching not yet
implemented).  I've been using LightDM exclusively for over a week
without any major issues and others have indicated they are also using
it without issue.

The GUI will be replaced with something more Unity like during the cycle
so look out for lacking functionality but don't worry too much about the

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