Note, this is also available in the wiki:

Chair: Martin Pitt
Attendees: Colin Watson, Stéphane Graber, Soren Hansen
Guests: Anthony Wong, Jack Yu
Apologies: Matt Zimmerman, Kees Cook

= Action review =
 * Colin to clarify the SRU documentation in light of Steve's comments on 
bundling: '''done'''

= Flavor of Ubuntu Kylin <> =

 * The Technical Board welcomes the Kylin community to take up a real Chinese 
Ubuntu flavour, as the Ubuntu Developer team has traditionally lacked Chinese 
specific skills
 * The individual points of above document have been discussed, and most items 
regarded as genuine localization. However, there were a few points which were 
requested to be clarified/changed.

 * Chinese Input Method: Using fcitx will not be compatible with the 
Ubuntu/Unity/GNOME assumptions of using ibus, i. e. this will not work with e. 
g. control-center, the keyboard indicator, and the ibus indicator.
  * ''ACTION:'' JackWu to document justification for switching to fcitx, and 
impact on control center, indicators, application support

  * Cooperation with WPS: The TB feels that promoting proprietary software in 
the installer and default desktop is against the spirit and letter of the 
Ubuntu brand and philosophy and should not be done. Easy installation through 
Software Center is perfectly valid of course.
   * ''ACTION:'' JackYu to clarify on the wiki page what WPS is, how it's going 
to be integrated, and status of Libre``Office

 * System Assistant, Photo Handling: These two are not Chinese specific, but 
should rather be done in the general Ubuntu context; System Assistant sounds 
like the old computer-janitor, a potential successor of which should be 
implemented in software-center proper
  * ''ACTION:'' JackYu to clarify goals and details for both

 * The guidelines for accepted Ubuntu flavours require a signed CoC, one or 
more developers have upload rights, show 6 months activity and have a QA contact
  * ''ACTION:'' JackYu and Anthony Wong to sign CoC
  * The TB recognizes that requiring already existing upload rights is not 
something we can enforce in this case, and that developer merits should be 
acquired while working on Kylin instead. This should be reviewed in six months, 
until then the Foundations team has agreed to be formally responsible for the 
flavour and help out with mentoring, sponsoring, and release engineering.

= SRU Minor Release Exception for Ceph =
 * Deferred to email as we ran out of time

No pending community bug reports.

Chair for next meeting: Kees (carried over)
Next meeting is on 2013-03-04.

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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