Many thanks to everyone for their suggestions.  Lots of strong ideas and as well as themes and angles that we had not thought of. 

I will collate the ideas submitted by mail and add them to the wiki so we have one complete set.

Chris Kenyon

Chris Kenyon wrote:
Hi all,

I am Chris Kenyon and I work at Canonical in London with Jane and Malcolm.  We are bouncing around ideas for what a Ubuntu poster campaign might look like and are looking for any ideas and messages.
The campaign would seek to get both home and business users interested in Ubuntu.  The message would have to work as a normal billboard and be readable at a distance ( i.e. ~ 7 words or fewer).

I have set up a wiki page for ideas and look forward to any suggestions!

FTR - We are not committed to doing this but are interested in ideas!


Christopher Kenyon
Mob +44 7970 733 502
Tel +44 20 7052 9844

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