On Fri, 11 May 2018, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:

If we choose to make it default, I propose we go a similar direction that
Lubuntu went in for the transition to LXQt by making an "UbuntuStudio-Next"
for the additional DE.

If not, we could simply make a "ubuntustudio-plasma" and "ubuntustudio-plasma-
settings" package and have it available as one of the install options at
install time similar to how we do it now with the metapackages. I envision a
radio button option between Xfce and Plasma.

I think the extra ISO would be a great idea. at least for testing. (yes it has taken me since may 11 to figure this out) having a second seed will help finding which packages (like -settings) need to be split or forked for this to work. I think maybe something other than -next for a name because -next makes whatever is there sound like the cut in stone direction we are taking rather than a trial direction.

My thinking is that when we have plasma working well it will either be default or an install choice and we can then use the trial iso to work on MATE and then gnome.

It would be nice if all DE things could be in one package per DE. I think we already try to do this, but I am not sure.

Len Ovens

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