The following worked with 16.x:

//opteron16/home/mikes /media/opteron16/mikes cifs credentials=/home/mikes/.smbcredentials,uid=7961,gid=4001 0 0

but it fails with 18.04.

I've converted it to an NFS mount (haven't worked out the options): /media/opteron16/mikes     nfs auto    0       0

Using NTLM v 1 for CIFS also fails.

A Google search hasn't turned up a working solution.

Can anyone point me to a solution?  Not a real problem here since I have a workaround.  Server runs NFS 4 but samba 3 which probably is part of the problem (FreeBSD).

I did upgrade to 18.04 by doing a "tar cvf" of the user directory to a USB hard drive, reinstalling, and copying the user directory back.  So far no problems.  I did copy items in /etc that needed to be changed to what I was using with 16.x, but that's pretty simple.


Michael L. Squires, Ph.D., M.P.A.
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UN*X at home since 1985

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