Wow that wording is a bit mean! That's got to have done some harm.
Elementary is quite a nice creation, though I haven't used it in a while,
but what makes it any different to the rest?

Kindest Regards,
Kris Douglas
On 11 Feb 2015 07:28, "Anthony Harrington" <>

>  Ordinarily i'd keep this e-mail line on translation or more
> festive/helpful business ( ;) ), but i thought i should mention this topic
> incase it hasn't come up yet. (I'd especially like some feedback to the
> group from anyone over on the elementaryOS side). Hoping to provoke some
> discussion.
> Have you seen this?
> Specifically:
> *We want users to understand that they’re pretty much cheating the system
> when they choose not to pay for software. We didn’t exclude a $0 button to
> deceive you; we believe our software really is worth something. And it’s
> not like we’re making money to buy yachts; currently the only people who
> have received money for working on elementary OS have been community
> members through **our bounty program
> <>*
> *. *Elementary is still *allowing *you to manually type in "$0" for your
> contribution, but they are taking a disturbing stance in this. I don't
> think they should be telling users they're 'cheating the system' by
> acquiring OSS freely when it was always free in the past. Noone need be
> made to feel guilty over it. And arguing "we're charging now because we
> think it's worth something" doesn't stand up either - as well we know in
> the linux world, quality is not necessarily dependent on pricetag but more
> by dedication and hours gone into it.
> They should have said "right, we're going to start charging $x from now
> on, sorry" and left it at that, not gone half-way and told the userbase
> they were *cheating the system*. The sourcecode's still free up on github.
> Anthony
> --
> Launchpad translator and linux chemist 
> ^_^
> --

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