Re: [ubuntu-uk] kernel deleted and I don't think I can reboot...!!! :/

2009-04-09 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/9 Farran Lee now I remember why I tried to fiddle with the kernels... cos the graphics driver won't install properly because of them. Exactly the same error message as the kernel error is returned when I try to install them. Can you do the following and

Re: [ubuntu-uk] recommended pod/screencast client

2009-04-17 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/17 doug livesey Hi -- I use iTunes on my OSX partition for most of my podcasts, but there are some technical ones I'd like to start collecting on my Ubuntu partition -- usually screencasts. So what does the wider, great british ubuntu community recommend as a podcast

Re: [ubuntu-uk] recommended pod/screencast client

2009-04-17 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/17 Dianne Reuby Dumb question :) No such thing :) Is there a difference between video podcasts and any other videos (eg YouTube and similar)? In simple terms, a podcast of any kind (audio or video) is in essence a media file delivered over http as a downloadable

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Server Power Management

2009-04-19 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/19 Ian Pascoe I'm thinking that a Krone job could be used to turn it off, but don't know which commands to use to ensure that it shuts down properly.  I suspect that for turning on, I need to set something in the BIOS so that as soon as the power is

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Software Media Player Recommendations (iPod sync)

2009-04-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/22 Stephen Garton If I am doing it wrong with any of the above players, please let me know! Podcatching ability would be nice, but not essential, as I also have an iphone which will download them over the air (and currently is being used for this).

Re: [ubuntu-uk] jaunty available

2009-04-23 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/23 alan c jaunty became available - from canonical's machines at least, about 20 minutes ago Tsk tsk, naughty naughty. Before the release announcement.. :) Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Upgrade 9.04

2009-04-26 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/26 John Taylor Seems to fail during calculating changes - could not calculate upgrade any ideas? never happened before! How did you try to upgrade? Can you attach your /etc/apt/sources.list and the contents of any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Manchester Release Party Pics

2009-04-27 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/27 Tim Dobson Lucy wrote: Certainly, I don't remember so much positive buzz around the last Fedora release and the last Debian release seemed to create plenty of negativity. With all due respect, I do not agree with this at all. While I was at FOSDEM this year, in

Re: [ubuntu-uk] 9.04 WUBI doesn't see local iso

2009-04-27 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/27 Gordon Downloaded 9.04 iso (yes, the right one!) and 9.04 WUBI over a faster connection than I have. Which ISO did you grab? Whats the filename? Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 9.04 Performance Issue

2009-04-29 Thread Alan Pope
2009/4/29 Nigel Verity A few days ago I upgraded to 9.04 but was, frankly, disappointed. The application I use most of all is OpenOffice. The upgrade certainly sees boot times reduced, but OOO Base takes approx 10 times as long to load, Calc 5 times and Writer 3

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problems with watching training videos on Ubuntu

2009-05-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/5 John I have tried playing the Ubuntu vids again, and all it does when you click the start button, is pixilate inti small squares and crashes. It doesnt crash the system, just the vid. What URL are you visiting? Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problems with watching training videos on Ubuntu

2009-05-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/5 John This one Ugh, that would be my fault then. Was hoping it would be some other random website. You can grab the videos directly from the server in a more open format if that's preferable:-

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problems with watching training videos on Ubuntu

2009-05-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/5 John Oh right, is there something wrong with that page then? I ill have a go at grabbing them and watching them. Thank you. I am wondering if it might be also affecting other sites with that type of video, id it is can you tell me how I get around it? Thank you for

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problems with watching training videos on Ubuntu

2009-05-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/5 John Its just not working I can take a print screen to show you what happens if you like? I have to go out now, I am just getting ready, but I can do it when I get back in. Sure, send it to me. Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] ctrl+alt+backspace

2009-05-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/5 Michael G Fletcher I wonder why that was removed - always seemed a great emergency fix for unruly systems :-) You can also install the dontzap package to do that manual config for you. It was disabled because some it was figured that it's a bad idea having a

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard not being enabled in Jaunty

2009-05-06 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/6 Sean Miller Unfortunately the recovery mode is no different, they're disabled in that mode too. Can you boot an older kernel from pre-upgrade? Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Tablet PC right-click

2009-05-11 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/11 Thomas Ibbotson I'm trying to get right-click to work on my tablet pen on my tablet pc in Jaunty. I used to set some options in xorg.conf to do this, but now when I try to do this I get errors in X. Here's my xorg.conf: and

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Upgrade vs Reinstall

2009-05-12 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/12 doug livesey Hi -- I was just wondering, why it is that the community-at-large seems to think that it is better to reinstall to a newer version of Ubuntu rather than to run the upgrade? What makes you think they do? Perhaps these people are used to

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Upgrade vs Reinstall

2009-05-12 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/12 Liam Proven The key thing is to keep your /home directory tree on a separate partition. That makes re-installing much less painful and fiddly. Not really. You can reinstall over the top these days and it will wipe everything except /home - even if it's all on one

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell mini 10v costs more with Ubuntu than with XP

2009-05-31 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/31 Paul Broadhead Needless to say, I'm not buying one. If you wanted one, get the xp one, dont accept the license, send it back and ask for a refund. Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell mini 10v costs more with Ubuntu than with XP

2009-05-31 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/31 James Milligan How can they charge more? They get the thing for free! They don't. It doesn't cost Dell much as I understand it, but they do pay for Ubuntu. Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell mini 10v costs more with Ubuntu than with XP

2009-05-31 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/31 James Milligan Boom! That's me out of the water lol. Are they made to pay for it or out of 'generosity'? As I understand it (i.e. this may be factually inaccurate) any OEM wishing to sell Ubuntu branded as Ubuntu needs to pay a license to Canonical for the use of

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell mini 10v costs more with Ubuntu than with XP

2009-05-31 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/31 James Milligan Would a small independent store (like I've been asking about) need to pay that as well? You'd need to check with the OEM team at Canonical about that. I suspect the answer is yes, assuming the store is selling machines in the same way that Dell is.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu stickers!

2009-05-31 Thread Alan Pope
2009/5/31 alan c Car back bumper, bike front mudguard, front window of house,  :-) back of laptop lid . I have a Debian sticker on the back of my car. It's been there for ... let me see... Date: 16/08/04

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Asus and Microsoft sitting in a tree....

2009-06-01 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/1 Christopher Swift Lets not jump ahead of ourselves here. I highly doubt that either ASUS nor Microsoft are officially behind this campaign. Asus link to the site from the main marketing page for their current flagship laptop product. Whether they are behind it or

Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu sme server

2009-06-02 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/2 Alan Lord (News) You might try looking at the SME Server for some ideas: .. and ebox .. .. and Ubuntu Server Manager .. :) Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] burning discs in virtual machines

2009-06-03 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/4 Tony Pursell You should be able to access the host machine's CD/DVD writer from within VirtualBox. On the Details tab, double click CD/DVD-ROM and then select Host CD/DVD Drive.  Checking 'Enable Passthrough' should mean that you can write from the guest

Re: [ubuntu-uk] No IE in Windows 7

2009-06-12 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/12 Sean Miller European buyers of Windows 7 will have to download and install a web browser for themselves. Bowing to European competition rules, Microsoft Windows 7 will ship without Internet Explorer *snip That

Re: [ubuntu-uk] My 'snazzy Korean laptop' has conked out

2009-06-14 Thread Alan Pope
Hi Rowan, 2009/6/14 Rowan Hi. My 'Linux Certified' (Compal JHL-90) just died on me. First the display froze, then when I force-restarted it, it wouldn't go past the first Intel splash screen (with no boot options strip at the bottom), and now it just generates

Re: [ubuntu-uk] brief flashing cursor prompt then blank screen

2009-06-15 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/15 Rowan Hi. I sent a message yesterday saying my (4-month-old) Linux Certified laptop had died. However, I tried it again this morning and saw a brief flashing cursor prompt (like the one you get briefly during Ubuntu closedown), followed by a blank

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Scheduling a reboot of Ubuntu?

2009-06-15 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/15 Alex Birchall I'd like to schedule a reboot of my Ubuntu server. Out of interest, why? Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu tribe

2009-06-17 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/17 Paul Sutton there seems to be a movie called ubuntu tribe,  a trailer is here the url for themovie is meant to be this fails as its a phamacy site,  any know what the proper url is to download the

Re: [ubuntu-uk] change from 9.04 to 8.10

2009-06-18 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/18 norman I am seriously considering going back to 8.10 or even 8.04 Why? What specific issues are you encountering? Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] change from 9.04 to 8.10

2009-06-18 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/18 norman have no problems with all I need except with the workings of the Wacom Bamboo and all the help that seems to be available to me that I can manage to do and understand will not work with 9.04. There was a promise of a GUI for the setting up of Wacom

Re: [ubuntu-uk] banshee and devices..?

2009-06-19 Thread Alan Pope
Hi, 2009/6/19 Farran Lee not sure if this is my pc or is the current state of banshee, but atm, as far as devices go, it only detects/shows cds. No other device is shown, What specific devices are you plugging in? Banshee supports a number of media players, but

Re: [ubuntu-uk] first edition

2009-06-19 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/19 Tony Arnold I wonder if anyone has a complete set of shipit CDs for all 10 releases? That would definitely be a collectors item. My collection so far. :) Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] first edition

2009-06-19 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/19 Harry Rickards Of course there's always Nothing like owning the original pressed CDs in their envelopes though.. :) Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Fresh install of ubuntu/linux mint

2009-06-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/22 javadayaz Does anyone know if i can install Linux Mint ( from a usb drive) ? All i have to do is set the periperal as first boot right? You can use unetbootin (which is cross platform) to copy an iso to a USB stick and make it all nicely bootable. So long as your

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Fresh install of ubuntu/linux mint

2009-06-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/22 javadayaz I have a USB stick on which i plan on dropping a Linuxmint/ubuntu iso...and then boot/install from there! You can't just copy an iso to the USB stick. It needs to be unpacked in a certain way, hence me suggesting you use unetbootin. Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Empathy to replace Pidgin in Karmic?

2009-06-22 Thread Alan Pope
Hi Tony, 2009/6/22 Tony Arnold I read in the weekly news letter this week that there is a plan to replace Pidging with Empathy as the default IM client in Karmic. Where can I a) find the reasoning behind this From the link in the UWN:-

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Empathy to replace Pidgin in Karmic?

2009-06-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/22 Dave Morley As far as I can tell the main reasoning is the fact that they can lose 2 apps (ekiga and pidgin) thus saving space and also the empathy upstream were working on bugs faster than pidgin were. this should give you more idea

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Two things I wanted to ask about.....

2009-06-24 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/24 John Oh wow, that would be really useful. I have not been to one before. Would it be in London, or somewhere else. We're hoping for there to be more than one. See this mail I sent to the list. Sadly

Re: [ubuntu-uk] App to discover networked printer IP?

2009-06-26 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/26 Gordon Ubuntu 9.04. I know the IP of my networked printer but it would be helpful to have an app that would find the IP of a networked printer if I joined some other network The add printer wizard thing does this already. System - Administration - Printing -

Re: [ubuntu-uk] App to discover networked printer IP?

2009-06-26 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/26 Gordon Uhh amend thatif I type in 192.168.0 in the Host box then it DOES find it. Not OVERLY intuitive, is it? How queer. Is the printer on the same network subnet as you? If not that might be why. I don't think the printer scan thing traverses from one

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Website Hacked.....

2009-06-27 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/27 Sean Miller On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Harry wrote: exploit in their control panel (the story even made it to slashdot, as the dev of the control panel hanged himself). My VPS was restored from Erm, that's a bit beyond the

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Duplicate music file finder

2009-06-30 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/30 javadayaz Does anyone know of any apps that can do this? fdupes - identifies duplicate files within given directories Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Listing applications and utilities installed post-installation

2009-06-30 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/30 Gordon Ubuntu 9.04 Is there a way of producing a list of all applications and utilities installed by me post-installation from the Ubuntu CD? dpkg -l | grep ^ii Will list all packages that have been installed. Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Listing applications and utilities installed post-installation

2009-06-30 Thread Alan Pope
2009/6/30 Gordon Will that just show what *I* have installed or will it list the whole dam lot? All of them. I don't think there's an easy way to see what you added yourself. One bodged way to do it would be to.. 1) Get the package list (as per my previous mail) and save it

[ubuntu-uk] Use of apt-url - a request for help

2009-06-30 Thread Alan Pope
Hi, Please see this blog post for context and this wiki page for more information . We're trying to identify any websites or applications which do not currently support apt-url. If you

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu mp3 players, again

2009-07-01 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/1 Rowan Dear all: is anyone aware of an MP3 player for Ubuntu which will play MP3 audio files directly from Ubuntu's own files, without the necessity of compiling its own library first? Yes, all of them. You don't need to _compile_ anything to play MP3s

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu mp3 players, again

2009-07-01 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/1 mac Alan Pope wrote: 2009/7/1 Rowan Dear all: is anyone aware of an MP3 player for Ubuntu which will play MP3 audio files directly from Ubuntu's own files, without the necessity of compiling its own library first? Yes

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu mp3 players, again

2009-07-01 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/1 Rowan Sorry - for 'Internet Explorer' read 'Windows Explorer,' which is the file browser in Windows. I forgot to mention that all these music players 'populate' their 'libraries' from the tags rather than the titles on the audio files, which is why one

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu mp3 players, again

2009-07-01 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/1 Michael G Fletcher  i've always just used rhythmbox, and it does not re-arrange any of the actual files as  far as I know. Banshee can also do this, although it's not the default behaviour. Just go to Edit-preferences and there's an option to _not_ move the

Re: [ubuntu-uk] linux kernel update

2009-07-02 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/2 Michael G Fletcher David, just checked mine in synaptic, and it looks like an upgrade from 2.6.28-13.44 to 2.6.28-13.45 Yes, an incremental patch rather than an ABI bump (which I believe would have bumped the 13 to 14). so yes, modified version with

Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Flame Wars mailing list

2009-07-03 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/3 Harry Rickards Does anyone know if there's a flame war mailing list? I don't enjoy starting flame wars, but IMHO arguing your side in an existing war can help you let off steam. Is this a five minute argument or the full half hour? --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Flame Wars mailing list

2009-07-03 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/3 Harry Rickards (If there was some joke intended, I've missed it). I was thinking a list with a few threads with hundreds/thousands of messages in (like there was in GLLUG a couple of months back about emacs/xemacs/vi/vim vs ed.) Oh dear, losing geek

Re: [ubuntu-uk] virtualBox

2009-07-04 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/4 David King You also need to install libcurl3 if you do not have it already before installing VirtualBox 3.0. That depends how you install it. If you either use the repository Innotek/Sun/Oracke/Whoever provide and install via apt/aptitude/synaptic then it will

Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Flame Wars mailing list

2009-07-04 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/4 Chris Rowson Post to a Windows mailing list commenting on how great Linux is, or vice versa. Or, setup a blog which lambasts Ubuntu using wild and inaccurate accusations, whilst (not very) secretly concealing the fact that you're just annoyed that your

Re: [ubuntu-uk] permission

2009-07-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/5 Ragia Ibrahim Hi all I am new linx user (2 weeks ago) I need to run[ make install ]   in specific folder but i got the following Error Permission denied how can I change folder permission to make this.. the error is as follow... /usr/bin/install: cannot

Re: [ubuntu-uk] virtualBox

2009-07-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/5 mac I should say that I did this with VB 2.0.6;  do you still need to use this procedure with later versions of VB? They have a

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Tonido

2009-07-05 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/5 Harry Rickards According to the CodeLathe blog ( they're going to release an SDK soon. I'm no expert, but I thought the actual source of the application, not just an

[ubuntu-uk] Fwd: [SFD-discuss] We have over 250 SFD teams!

2009-07-06 Thread Alan Pope
For anyone interested in setting something up for Software Freedom Day 2009 - which is on Saturday 19th September. Cheers, Al. -- Forwarded message -- From: Robert Schumann Date: 2009/7/5 Subject: [SFD-discuss] We have

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Google Chrome OS Announced

2009-07-08 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/8 James Milligan Haha. A blow to Linux - it IS Linux! A blow to linux distros.. How many OEMs ship Ubuntu as an easily available option on netbooks/laptops/desktops/ right now, and how many will in 2010 when Google OS releases? How many will Google have? Will this

Re: [ubuntu-uk] The Stolen Earth

2009-07-08 Thread Alan Pope
Hi David, Thanks for the mail. 2009/7/8 David King Interesting podcast, entertaining as usual. Thanks for that, it certainly motivates us to have positive feedback! However, I did not hear any references to the Stolen Earth, which title I assume you took from a recent

Re: [ubuntu-uk] The Stolen Earth

2009-07-09 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/9 John Matthews Can I have the URL.I dont have it. Is this something to do with Ubuntu? :) Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Friend managed to start virtual box kernel with grub

2009-07-10 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/10 Kris Douglas Nope and nope, it just seemed to load a server kernel for little/no reason :) There will be a reason, we just don't know with the detail you've provided what that reason is yet. Did they install from the repo or from, did they download the

Re: [ubuntu-uk] evolution and gnome

2009-07-15 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/15 Paul Sutton I use firefox and thunderbird,  i know evolution does not take up much space,  but by removing it I can save a few hundred kilobytes, then why not, removing un used packages keeps systems un cluttered. Depends on your definition of 'clutter'. what do

Re: [ubuntu-uk] evolution and gnome

2009-07-15 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/15 Paul Sutton programs that I will never use,  i guess. Programs you know of, that you will never use. Bet there's a zillion command line programs that you wont use :) Ok thanks,  seems rather odd that removing something like evolution can cause so many issues.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] banshee podcast wont subscribe

2009-07-16 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/16 javadayaz I subscribed to a podcast from the bbc websitei then accidently moved the podcasts to my music library. i have deleted them from the music lib section in banshee but now cant subscribe to them again...i can subscribe to others just fine though.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Two mags with Linux on cover (and CD)

2009-07-16 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/16 Dianne Reuby I saw today that Micro Mart and Computer Active both feature Linux on the front cover, seemed aimed at beginners or those who haven't tried it before. Computer Active had Ubuntu 9.04 and another distro on the CD. There is special Computer Active in

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Localisation was Archos 10 Netbook

2009-07-17 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/17 Ian Pascoe If Mark was to sally forth to the land of the French and bought this item, apart from the keyboard, which might be en Francais, to change the localisation would you have to do a fresh install? Depends if the language packages for -en had

[ubuntu-uk] Screencasts was:Linux in an Audio Environment

2009-07-17 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/17 Chris Weaver Wow that sounds incredibly opportune! I'm down in London sadly but would certainly appreciate a video link. A while ago Tony Whitmore made some screencasts showing how we edit and mix the audio for the podcast using free software on Ubuntu. It

Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to update Xubuntu 7.04.

2009-07-18 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/18 Tony Harrison ...which worked fine, however the next update I did crashed half way through. The computer will still boot but gives an error message after logging in saying 'unable to initialize HAL' and it will not connect to the internet. I made a bootable USB

Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to update Xubuntu 7.04.

2009-07-18 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/18 Tony Harrison Thanks for that, it was the pci=noacpi I had forgot to do. Xubuntu then failed while booting anyway, something about X terminal I think it was? But I made a new usb stick with ubuntu server on which installed but it would only give me the option to

Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to update Xubuntu 7.04.

2009-07-19 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/19 Tony Harrison I have followed that up to the modprobe bit. It says 'FATAL: Module pata_cs5535.ko not found.'. The command issued was /sbin/modprobe pata_cs5535.ko. The .ko file is in /lib/modules/2v6v28-11-generic Cannot work out from google what I am doing wrong

Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to update Xubuntu 7.04.

2009-07-19 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/19 Tony Harrison That worked! The OS has installed  to the hard drive, but it will only boot with the usb stick plugged in. Sounds like grub didnt get installed properly. Without it grub fails saying 'Error 2'. Also, once logged in, the home directory does not

Re: [ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

2009-07-21 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/21 Norman Silverstone I suppose it is possible that one or other of the items plugged into the hub may be the cause of the problem but I wondered if anyone could be kind enough to comment. The quick and easy test for that is to yank everything except the card

Re: [ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

2009-07-21 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/21 Norman Silverstone On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 21:06 +0100, Alan Pope wrote: Another thing to do is see what messages appear in System - Administration - Log File Viewer, at the point when you plug it in. This may indicate what the problem is. That's a good idea

Re: [ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

2009-07-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/22 Norman Silverstone Another thing to do is see what messages appear in System - Administration - Log File Viewer, at the point when you plug it in. This may indicate what the problem is. I had a look at the sys log but it might just as well have been in

Re: [ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

2009-07-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/22 Norman Silverstone The log has been copied to Thanks for that, but it looks like the log file is truncated, it ends at 08:49 and cuts off. You should be able to select all from the edit menu and then copy and paste again into

Re: [ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

2009-07-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/22 Norman Silverstone On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 11:30 +0100, Alan Pope wrote: You should be able to select all from the edit menu and then copy and paste again into the pastebin. Sorry about that but that is what I did.  Do you want me to try again? Please. Looks

Re: [ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

2009-07-22 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/22 Norman Silverstone I have now tried again and on 2 occasions the message and the icon appeared. Also the mouse did not stop working. Looks good:- Jul 22 14:19:56 digital-darkroom hald: mounted /dev/sdc1 on behalf of uid

Re: [ubuntu-uk] card reader not recognised

2009-07-23 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/23 Rowan Berkeley Norman Silverstone wrote: I don't mind buying a new one but it feels a bit like you know who, change the operating system and you need to change some hardware. Who? Alluding to Microsoft Windows I suspect.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] [marketing] LINUXWORLD EXPO UK 2009 Oct 1 2009

2009-07-23 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/22 alan c I have just noticed this expo. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend these dates. Where did you notice it out of interest? Cheers, Al. --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] [marketing] LINUXWORLD EXPO UK 2009 Oct 1 2009

2009-07-23 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/23 Daniel Drummond heres a link for linuxworld expo: +3 points for using lmgtfy +2 points for obscuring it via tinyurl -5 points for top posting -10 points for not noting that that the subsequent results don't actually link to any official

Re: [ubuntu-uk] [marketing] LINUXWORLD EXPO UK 2009 Oct 1 2009

2009-07-23 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/23 alan c I must admit I was slightly surprised to see it, but here is what I saw: Looks like a duff business events site to me. They seem to have just scraped data from around the place. They even

Re: [ubuntu-uk] install just the command-line

2009-07-23 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/23 doug livesey Not really liking to let things die gracefully be at peace, I wondered if I could perhaps install just the basic, command-line parts of Ubuntu (linux with all the package managers, I guess) see if I can get it running as a little server for cron

Re: [ubuntu-uk] information manager for ubuntu / gnome

2009-07-27 Thread Alan Pope
2009/7/27 Paul Sutton -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Is there an equivelent of a calender / personal information manager (so I can store what I am doing at a time / date and get reminders) for gnome as I am usign ubuntu, Evolution is preinstalled and does exactly this.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Nokia (Symbian S60) support on Ubuntu

2009-08-07 Thread Alan Pope
Hi Rob, 2009/8/7 Rob Beard I'm thinking maybe syncing between the phone and Evolution for calendars, and maybe transferring music and videos between them - I'm guessing that the phone will appear as a mass storage device, but if not I can always pop out the memory card and

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Firefox or Shiretoko?

2009-08-12 Thread Alan Pope
2009/8/12 Paul Webster Somehow, an update some time ago installed Shiretoko as a beta version of Firefox 3.5. Meanwhile the old version of Firefox remains and also gets updated from time to time. What's going on? Where did the name Shiretoko come from anyway?

Re: [ubuntu-uk] New GDM login screens for 9.10

2009-08-13 Thread Alan Pope
2009/8/13 Rob Beard Liam Wilson wrote: For those who haven't seen them, the new boot/login screens have been unveiled  by the art team. I think the do look rather darn sweet! Ooh I like that, very polished. From

Re: [ubuntu-uk] First generation iTouch in 9.04?

2009-08-13 Thread Alan Pope
2009/8/13 Rowan Berkeley But DKMS ( - ) requires lots of skills to install and use, as I recall from having considered it to deal with my non-default interface driver problem. It doesn't for apps like

[ubuntu-uk] British/UK, was: Automatically moving mail from a specific sender to a certain file?

2009-08-16 Thread Alan Pope
2009/8/16 William Anderson Whoever named that newsgroup needs a slap; British != UK. ubuntu-uk -- British Ubuntu Talk I brought this up nearly 3 years ago on this list:-

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Automatically moving mail from a specific sender to a certain file?

2009-08-16 Thread Alan Pope
2009/8/16 Liam Wilson Hey, I'm using Thunderbird as my  default mail application for my Emails (As  opposed to Evolution), and as I am subscribed to a number of Mailing Lists, I thought it would be a lot simpler to organise the Lists into folders, so each list has a

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Powertop - any advice?

2009-09-08 Thread Alan Pope
2009/9/8 John Matthews Hi, are there any instructions on how to use this, I Installed it, but have no idea about how to start it, to even look at program. It's a terminal based program. Open a terminal (Applications - Accessories - Terminal) and run:- sudo powertop The

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Is there a problem with digests

2009-09-10 Thread Alan Pope
2009/9/10 Melv Bailey However I have not received anything from ubuntu-uk since Vol 52, Issue 30 on the 23/08/2009.  Is there a problem? I don't subscribe to the digest, so don't know of this problem. Perhaps someone else who does can confirm it? (Assuming they get

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu- With Voice control

2009-09-15 Thread Alan Pope
2009/9/15 javadayaz How well has this been implemented in the Ubuntu Environment? A pc controlled by voice (especially its media) is what im thinking of here! Seems a popular idea:- Cheers, Al. --

[ubuntu-uk] Maintenance manuals

2009-09-19 Thread Alan Pope
Hi, In the recent past I've wanted to take apart a couple of laptops to increase their RAM, or change storage. Some are easy enough with a simple flap, or removal of the keyboard to access the RAM slots. Others seem to be more of a krypton factor style task. The Intel Classmate seems to be one of

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Installing clean Ubuntu in VM.....

2009-09-19 Thread Alan Pope
2009/9/19 Rob Beard This may give you some pointers, it covers VirtualBox on Windows XP (and Ubuntu 7.10 I believe) but the principal is the same... The Ubuntu doc site has some good pages about it too.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Installing itunes on Wine.

2009-09-23 Thread Alan Pope
2009/9/23 Gordon Not really an answer but I went through this recently and I've ditched iTunes completely, even on Windows. There are so many other legal music download sites now that do not have the restrictions and DRM of iTunes and some are considerably cheaper. It's

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