Thomas Yengst wrote:
> I am trying to do something very simple, but cannot seem to make it
> work. I want to include Powerpoint files (*.ppt) into the url list, but
> instead index an accompanying text file (*.txt), which is simply the
> version of the Powerpoint file that has been saved as text only. I would
> think the following indexer.conf commands would work to index all the
> powerpoint files in http://localhost/test/.
> Realm http://localhost/(test/*)\.ppt file:/www/$1\.txt
> Disallow *.txt
> The disallow is to prevent the text files from being indexed as well. I
> want the search results to point at the Powerpoint file, not the text
> file. I've tried every variation on the commands that I can think of,
> but I still can't get the words in the text files into the database. I
> even tried to invoke an external parser just to cat the text file, but
> that didn't work either.

Don't forget  to add one or several start URLs using either "URL"
command or indexer with -i -u keys.
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