UdmSearch: Webboard: Strange SQL error

2000-11-21 Thread gluke
Author: gluke Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message: Increase tmp_table_size mysqld variable. Reply: http://search.mnogo.ru/board/message.php?id=777 __ If you want to unsubscribe send "unsubscribe udmsearch" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

UdmSearch: Webboard: Strange SQL error

2000-11-20 Thread Ajmal Khan
Author: Ajmal Khan Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message: hello, what does this mean...I search for three words at once --- Query error: SELECT SQL_SMALL_RESULT url_id, sum(intag) as r FROM t97476694033413530 GROUP BY url_id HAVING (( ( sum(word_id=-1823753786)0 ) AND ( sum(word_id=2010842970)0 )