
Now I am 3.1.8. The Include command is working fine..

My config file includes the global one and all seems to look fine.

Except one point: I index local data:

DBAddr  mysql://udmsearch:udmsearch@localhost/udmsearch_rfc/
Include /argosnet/system/udmsearch/etc/indexer-7days.conf

Alias   http://argosnet.argoshome.com/rfc/      file:/argosnet/localdata/rfc/
Server  file:/argosnet/localdata/rfc/

As you see, nothing weird. For an unkown reason, the indexer goes to the parent 
I tried to put in the global configuration file a disallow command, but it failed...
Disallow \/\. \/\.\.\/ \/\.\. \.\.\/

Weird, isn't it ?

I think it should be a good idea to create a command to restrict indexing (not as 
disallow/allow) for the directority tree side. Sort of:
Staywithin      file:/argosnet/localdata/rfc/

In my case, I have multiple disallow with no allow. If I want to solve this using 
allow, I will have to create an allow for each of my suffix. But suffixes are not 
trustable facing the Unix 'file' command to determine what is *really* the format of a 

A good point anyway, my script seems to run quite well.

Anybody got some hints for me ?



Laurent LEVIER
IT Systems & Networks, Unix System Engineer
Security Specialist

Argosnet Security Server : http://www.Argosnet.com
"Le Veilleur Technologique", "The Technology Watcher"

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