Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Can Ugandans One Day Proclaim: Gotov Je?! 
“Gotov je!” (Serbian for: He is finished) was the euphoric battle outcry of the 
Serbian students’ non-violent movement, Otpor (Resistance). That was in the 
and post 2000 election uprising. By June 2001, the fascist Milosevic, the 
Butcher of the Balkans, was in jail in the Hague—one more testimony to what the 
people can do without carnage if they could only understand their power. His 
successor was a mild lawyerly type under whom all the many disparate political 
parties rallied. 

In post independent Uganda the use of violence has developed into the standard 
mode of acquiring and maintaining power. And the present leadership subscribes 
to that mindset. We, the people sustain it by our tacit acquiescence to the 
notion. Why is that? Are there other viable means?

For more click on title or Odiyatalks below:  
Just Be.
A Frienship where we can't share why we passionately disagree is not friendship 
worth having--Epstein
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