*Mutebi, and the "Kabaka Yekka"  oppressors Abu Mayanja, Sulemani Kiggundu,
Njuba etc...   be baleeta ba Besigye.  Eminyira obunyira.*

> *
> And Sir Edward Muteesa's stupidity marches on unchecked!!
> Will Masaka ever manage to free itself from the Mengo-Black-on-Black
> Colonialism?**
> **It is Black-on-Black apartheid, folks!!
> **The original Buganda ends just after Mpigi on Kampala - Masaka Road.
> Tulabye nnyo!!*
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Monsieur Edward Mulindwa <
> mulin...@look.ca> wrote:
>>  Ugandans****
>> ** **
>> This is a very good writing that w must deserve a time to contemplate
>> about for it is very timely indeed. Mwami John Nsubuga has clarified one of
>> the issues that defies my knowledge on Uganda politics, you see in
>> countries like Canada people depend on political parties but in Uganda
>> political parties depend on people.  And that is a very important step for
>> Ugandans to jump if they will ever get to democratic path. I am a Liberal
>> party and my party leader in the Federal Liberal is called Bob Rae. The
>> Liberal party does not survive for Bob Rae is in politics but Bob Rae stays
>> in politics for the Liberal party exists. And I have been a member of this
>> party for a very long time and we have had so many party leaders that some
>> have swept us to power and some have failed to do so, we had Martin that
>> paid much of the national debt but we had John Chretien that went after the
>> Quebec seperists to a referendum, we have had every one you name it. I
>> cannot stand here and tell you that Paul Martin’s shoes are too huge to be
>> filled in, Geez we have sparkling brains out of Quebec here that need only
>> their hands to drive it, and any time Bob Rae moves out of the way they are
>> ready. And the journey of Bob Rae leaving the leadership of the party is
>> short as 10 minutes tops to convene a press conference make a written
>> statement, a take a couple of questions from reporters and he is whisked
>> out for now we need a new press conference from a new kid on the block.
>> What do you have planned for the future of the party?****
>> ** **
>> There is no one that is ridiculing Dr Kiiza Besigye, he is simply a very
>> poor political leader. And there should never be a problem making that
>> statement and publicly. Politics is a very complex matter or we all would
>> have been in politics but we do not for we know we cannot deliver. But this
>> is a man that has been in power for now what 30 years? And John Nsubuga has
>> absolutely nothing in Uganda politics that he can put the name of Dr Kiiza
>> Besigye on yet he claims that the man has large shoes to fit. Really? What
>> is in the shoes? Dr Kiiza Besigye has been in government and he has been a
>> once very powerful politician that wrote some of the very atrocious
>> policies in our country. It was Besigye that wrote the policy for UPDF to
>> burn down all food storages in the entire Northern Uganda. It was Besigye
>> that wrote the policy of UPDF to camp every moving man woman child of the
>> entire Northern Uganda. Many of the attacks in the North that Colonel
>> Samson Mande and Mugisha Muntu did in Northern and Eastern Uganda of
>> massive killing as in example of brigadier 135 Brigade and the burning of
>> people in Mukura trains were done on orders written by Dr Kiiza Besigye.
>> And yet as much as we can list all those atrocities that were done for the
>> first time in our country’s history, these were true examples of how non
>> Ugandans these men are, for neither Mande nor Besigye can camp the Rwandese
>> let alone kill them as these men did to Ugandans. I repeat myself there is
>> no single good policy let alone report you can list on Dr Kiiza Besigye as
>> a medical doctor of Museveni, as a national political commissar let alone
>> as a doctor in Mbale hospital that you can list done with a name of Besigye
>> in the last 30 or so years.****
>> ** **
>> John Nsubuga today is going through tribulations wondering how FDC will
>> ever survive after Dr Kiiza Besigye, it is apolitical of inside looking not
>> outside looking, so we get a party leader and we stop to build it for now
>> it has a Christ leading it. There is no moving forward of political
>> structures for what we have that is it, it is Besigye that understands
>> Museveni. Really how and what has he done in understanding him? It is not
>> only John Nsubuga and FDC, if you read Edward Pojim very carefully, UPC as
>> a party has been a dead political party and thank God that ever created
>> Olara Otunu, if Otunu gets a heart attack today, the entire UPC party is
>> doomed. But wait a minute, let us look at Eddie Kironde a supporter of the
>> Movement, he will swear to you that if Yoweri Museveni ever leaves power
>> there is no Movement. So this internally self locking on dependence on
>> individuals is across the board and we fear change.****
>> ** **
>> Let me end by reminding you the good writing that Nsubuga Smeo has
>> written this morning, a very good Police officer leaving the service after
>> retiring. He said and I directly quote “But what you have note is that,
>> good number of our officers, me inclusive are serving in UN Missions,
>> Funds, Agencies and Programmes around the world which very good for
>> someones career at international level. We have quite a sizeable number of
>> our officers who have retired from the force and now working with UN in
>> South Sudan,Sudan (Darfur), Somalia, Iraq,  Afagnistan and other War torn
>> Countries around the World.“ End quote. Friends w have a situation where
>> we hung so long on stooges that are un productive and we feed on their
>> garbage to suffocate on it. And those that want to retire can never get a
>> place to work into for we are not moving older used craps like Kiiza
>> Besigye. Our Police officers are looking for out of the country agencies to
>> work into. What kind of damage does that kind of export of services do to
>> Uganda at a wrong run? What expertise will Uganda depend on come 2025? It
>> all start by becoming personally involved with politicians and political
>> party leaders.****
>> ** **
>> The writing of John Nsubuga refers.****
>> ** **
>> EM
>> On the 49th****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>>            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
>> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>> "avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans
>> l'anarchie"****
>> ** **
>> *From:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com [mailto:
>> ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *John Nsubuga
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 20, 2011 5:10 AM
>> *To:* ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
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