A Few Thoughts:

The Caliphate of Darfur has always been presided over by a black man. An 'African' like you and me, if you like.

As far back as one can remember, there has always been bad blood between this Caliphate and the central government rulers enscorted in Khartoum.

The issue may be partly race/ethnicity. Maybe a resentment of being ruled from Khartoum by remote control. Could even be a clash of up-country and the Metropolis. It is speculation!!

But it is baffling why about a year or so ago the Caliph of Darfur decided that now was the time to storm the Sudanese Air force base in Darfur, destroying five Air force planes in the process.

The central government in Khartoum responded in panic with helicopter gun ships. The masses panicked and an exodus of massive proportions ensured. You all have seen this on your TV screens.

The so-called 'Arab' regime in Khartoum, typical of the anti-people regimes of Africa, went on a rampage, confiscating granaries and livestock from other areas populated by 'Arab' masses. They rationalized this as a national emergency that required all manner of sacrifice.

In violating human rights, the Khartoum regime has no discrimination between Black African or 'Arab' African.

There is another element too. The weapons to the Caliph are supplied from Asmara in Eritrea. But President Isias's Eritrea is as poor as a church mouse to afford financing a war in another country.

Some powerful forces are said to be behind the whole venture.

Whenever the 'rebels' of Darfur have to go to Abuja in Nigeria for peace talks with the Khartoum government, a plane takes off from Asmara in Eritrea, picks them up in Darfur and they are taken to some fancy accommodation in Abuja.

For us, it is vitally important to establish who is picking up the tab for the rebels!!

A curious event took place recently in Toronto. A student lobby at a University that has deep Jewish roots organized a demonstration for the 'suffering of Darfur'. Besides the Jewish students, others in the organizing of this demo were the 'Armenians'. And besides a sprinkling of a few black Sudanese, Africans were this time around conspicuous by their absence. Not that the event had not received widespread promotion.

One feels so uncomfortable not fully understanding what is really going on!!

There is so much noise on Darfur, Zimbabwe  -  But not a murmur on Northern Uganda or Congo!!

It is like a conspiracy.


Robert Mugabe is on a month's 'holiday' in Malaysia. (I was shocked that a Head of State can go away on a whole month's holiday!!)

In his absence, Information Minister Jonathan Moyo and a Mr. Chinamasa the War Veterans Supremo called some meeting.

The lady who is acting President was angered by this. Now both gentlemen have been denied to stand for the forthcoming Parliamentary elections!!

Dr Jonathan Moyo is now in Kenya. Who can forget that both Moyo and Chinamasa have been key figures in the land reclamation exercise!!

Meanwhile, news from Zimbabwe is that Mugabe is giving away land to some British friends!!

With the record of our African despots I would not be surprised if indeed this is true. I hope it is me who is misunderstanding the whole situation in Zimbabwe. Otherwise, besides never really having explained the real circumstances in the death of Liberation Forces' Commander Josiah Tongogara - Zimbabwe's Che Guevara , does Mugabe mention him in his recount of the independence struggle? Hardly Ever.

I'm thinking of  a God very different from the God of the Christian and the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins."   Philosopher  Antony Flew 1922 - .

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