Sunday Monitor Letters to the Editor | June 12 - 18, 2005

Adhola distorted history

It is a fact that the majority of contemporary Banyankole have either been born or matured over the last 20 years. It is for this reason that I have been compelled to rebut Mr Yoga Adhola's presentation of Ankole history (The Monitor, May 31). His claim that Ankole society has castes is unfounded. He is either ignorant of the meaning of 'castes' or of the evolution of Ankole society. Whereas it is true that there were differences among the Banyankole based on economic activity during pre-colonial times, today there are no social or ethnic differences among them .

Adhola's understanding of sociology is very rudimentary. How can he claim that the Bairu and Bahima belong not only to different tribes but to different races? If this is so, how does he explain the fact that these two peoples belong to and share the same clans? His most absurd allegation is that the Bairu were neither permitted to own productive cows nor to marry Bahima girls. That is untrue. Does Adhola have any evidence to back up his claim?

  • He rumbles on that ".... and yet Hima boys could take Bairu concubines." That is nonsense. Since it is Museveni/Muntu military relations, which triggered Adhola's sectarian outbursts, let me cite examples of Bairu who held senior political or military positions.
  • During his 20-year reign, King Ntare the V (1875-1895) had only one Prime Minister (Enganzi) known as Muhigi, who hailed from the Basingo clan.
  • The commander of the regiment known as Obwooma, which was the kings guard was called Mutimbo.
  • The commander of Obukuuba Kanyabuzaana Rwangoga played a big role in recent history.
  • Ruhara rwa Mutembani, the father of Ankole Catholics, was a military hero - during Rwanda's invasion of 1895.
  • Kababunzya, a commander of lsasi (Bullet)
  • Ndolere, a commander of Orutonyerera
  • Itiri commanded Abanvani.

All these commanders were Bairu and the list is endless. Adhola's claims are neither premised on historical facts nor on common sense.

Rather, his claims are based on the sectarian method of mobilisation, which has always been and still is the chief instrument of the Uganda Peoples Congress.

What can be expected from a mind, which looks at the 1966 Constitutional calamity as a glorious revolution!

Nesta Kirindi,

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