Kenya aristocrat shoots 'poacher'
Thomas Cholmondeley
Thomas Cholmondeley is related to one of Kenya's first white settlers
Kenyan police have arrested a British aristocrat for shooting dead a man a year after murder charges against him were dropped in a similar case.

Thomas Cholmondeley, the great-grandson of one of Kenya's first white settlers, Lord Delamere, told police he fired at a suspected poacher on his farm.

Last year he admitted shooting a Maasai ranger on his farm but denied murder.

Insufficient evidence led to his release prompting national outrage and mass protests from Maasais.

The BBC's Mohammed Adow in the capital, Nairobi, says this shooting is likely to spark more controversy in the central Rift Valley where resentment still rankles with the region's Maasai community over the dropping of the case.

Pack of dogs

Mr Cholmondeley and a friend were arrested after he phoned the police to tell them about the incident.

He told police that the man had three companions and a pack of dogs and he suspected them of poaching a gazelle.

He said he shot at the group after they set his dogs on him, hitting the man, who died later on the way to hospital, and killing two dogs.

Last year, Mr Cholmondeley admitted shooting Maasai ranger Samson Ole Sisina, but said he acted in self defence mistaking the warden for an armed robber.

Mr Cholmondeley is heir to a massive 100,000-acre farm in the Rift Valley region, acquired by his great-grandfather, who was one of Kenya's first white settlers.

That case highlighted the security fears of landowners and the resentment of the local Maasai population in the Rift Valley region.

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