Also see:

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From: Ssemakula <>
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Sent: Wed, July 13, 2011 11:41:26 AM
Subject: Fleecing Uganda: HUGELY overpriced fighter jets arrive in Uganda

Recently Uganda ordered 6 Shukhoi SU-30 jet fighters from Russia in a $740M 
'package' (i.e. heist). The top model of this plane costs $45M when NEW, while 
the lower model costs $30M (see link below). 

Assume (charitably) that UPDF orderd the top model. The cost'd be: 6 x 45 = 
$270M, leaving a difference of$740M - $270M = $470M.
Further assume that they ordered spares and training, plus transportation to 
Uganda etc,  totaling $100M. That would leave AT LEAST $370M, burning a serious 
hole in Museveni's pocket, especially if UPDF ordered the lower cost model:  6 
jets x $33M = $198M, leaving a balance of: 

$740 - $198 = $542M or at least $442M swishing around in some one's pockets. 
Aaaah, the folly of clueless Western "donors", who perennially supply >50% of 
Uganda's budget!
The media and all Ugandans need to do a little arithmetic and then start asking 
some pointed questions. As someone else has noted in todays Monitor: these 
wildly over-priced jets won't protect Ugandans from proverty, hunger or even 
(btw: Uganda actually ordered the SU-30MK2 [a.k.a. SU-30MKK] model, which is 
modified for anti-ship duties, from Rosboronexport according to
Now, what is all that noise on Museveni caring deeply about the falling 
shilling, govt not being able to pay electric bill to geothermal generators, 
rotting roads, dilapidated schools, etc?
Indeed, the best way to rob a country is to own it ....
(with apologies to William Black author of: The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to 
One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry).
New Russian-built jet fighters arrive
By Tabu Butagira & Martin Ssebuyira             military equipment and 
is confidential information “since it has a security element.”      

Monitor     Wednesday, July 13 2011 at 00:00
The Shukoi Su-30 fighter jets that government bought from Russia at $740 
(Shs1.8 trillion) have arrived in the country, military sources confirmed last 
UPDF Airforce yesterday used one of the fighter planes to conduct test flights 
over Entebbe, sparking panic among residents with the din of the roaring 

People residing in or around Entebbe town said the deafening noise took them 
unawares and disrupted peaceful living. Lugonjo, Katabi, Kitooro, and Kiwafu 
were the most affected areas. “I am a poultry farmer and earn my living by 
rearing layers. The jets being tested on Sunday and Monday caused a setback in 
the way the birds lay their eggs,” said Ms Rose Namagara, a resident. Airforce 
Spokesman, Capt. Tabaro Kiconco, however, said the test flights are “normal and 
people should not get scared whenever we fly our aircrafts”.

He said: “Areas in close proximity of military installations or airbases the 
world over are synonymous with such noise.”

Defence officials declined to state when the jets were shipped into the country 
on grounds movement of
Su-30 of the Russian Air Force in flight over Russia 
RoleMultirole fighter[1] 
First flight31 December 1989 
Primary usersPLA Air Force (China)
Indian Air Force
Venezuelan Air Force
See Operators section for others 
Unit costUS$33–45 million 
Developed fromSukhoi Su-27 
VariantsSukhoi Su-30MKI
Sukhoi Su-30MKK 

also see:

James Ssemakula
ps. Uganda ordered SU-30 MK2 model
The acquisition, at Shs1.8 trillion, of the military jets on the backdrop of 
soaring inflation stirred public anger with critics questioning the cost, 
and necessity - especially that Uganda is not known to be on the edge of war 
with any country. Mr Emmanuel Mutebile, the central bank governor, threw the 
Ugandan shilling into its worst volatility in 17 years, when he told UK’s 
leading business newspaper, the Financial Times, that President Museveni 
technical advice to raid the country’s meagre foreign exchange reserves to buy 
the jets. 

The reserves that could last at least six months consequently diminished to a 
probable four months, he said. The statements triggered commotion in the local 
financial market, plunging the Ugandan shilling, which is now showing signs of 
recovery, to trade at 2, 700 to a US dollar.

The Russian-built Shukoi SU-30 jet fighter, which the UPDF is understood to 
acquired, is a twin-engine, multi-purpose aircraft for all-weather, air-to-air 
and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions, according information gleaned 
from the Internet. It can undertake combat missions within 3, 000 kilometre 
range, affording the UPDF the legroom to strike at distant targets with 
precision and efficiency.

Speaking about the jet fighters in May, the Chief of Defence Forces said the 
investment would relieve the army for at least 25 years and the UPDF is “late 
acquiring the aircrafts.” “There is nothing to celebrate [in the acquisition],” 
Gen. Aronda Nyakairima told journalists then at his Mbuya office. He said 
had no country on its mind while buying the sophisticated jets that some 
predict could spark arms race in the region.

For more details on Shukhoi SU-30 jets go to (see excerpt below):
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