Glimpses into the Out-group Homogeneity
Wes Nisker posits that in the journey to self-discovery and understanding of 
our behaviors, the fundamental place to start with is to pose the question: 
"Who am I?" This is not about me, the teacher, the footballer or what have you. 
It is about getting some idea to the questions: Where do I come from? Why am I 
here? Where am I going? The answer to "Who am I?" is "…of vital importance to 
our happiness and well-being. How at ease we feel in our body, mind and the 
world, as well as how we behave toward others and the environment all revolve 
around how we view ourselves in the larger scheme of things."

Scientific researches are increasingly proving what has long been hypothesized 
that beneath the veneer of civilization and culture, our behaviors are 
functionally primal and inclined towards basic survival and procreation as a 
means of gene succession.

Take the case of Ugandans: Most of us have received formal education and many 
make claims to religious faith. The majority pay allegiance to Christianity 
whose basic tenet is "Love thy neighbor." However, from the same mouth that 
sings the glory to the Christ, the champion of `Love thy neighbor," also gushes 
morbid coded venoms, such as: "Those people," "You people," "The Anyanya (not 
the ones of the 50's and 60's Sudan)," "A good Muganda is a dead one," or 
"Biological substances (forgetting we are all biological organisms)." We have 
insulted one another, we have killed one another, and we have hogged power and 
suppressed others. All the while saddling the other with being primitive. All 
the while some have been good parents, good sons, good friends, good church 
goers, good priests and imams, and may have even been generous to a fault. What 
is going on?

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