Clinton should do her party a favour – and vanish


 <> Lawrence Martin 


Special to The Globe and Mail 

4 hours agoAugust 30, 2017

Hillary Clinton won't go away. In May, she formed a political action group
to advance progressive causes. It's called "Onward Together." As a rallying
cry, is there anything more stale and timeworn?

In a couple of weeks, Ms. Clinton is bringing out a book. It's called What
Happened. Which is just what Democrats don't want to be reminded of.

Their attitude, by contrast, is "We've just gone through a stunning
electoral disaster with you at the helm, Hillary. We'd rather not relive and
relitigate it. Much as we've admired you over the years, we'd prefer you to
drop into a sinkhole until the next eclipse. Oh, and please take Nancy
Pelosi with you."

At 69, Ms. Clinton isn't planning to run again. At least we think not. But
evidently, after several decades in the forefront, she wants to remain in
the forefront. So does Ms. Pelosi, the House Minority leader who is 77 years
old, and whose ideas are about as fresh and catchy as Ms. Clinton's.
Democrats have been working the corridors to get her to go. Like Ms.
Clinton, she's as stubborn as a canal horse.

Given Donald Trump's wretched presidency, the Democrats heading into next
year's vitally important midterm elections should have stars in their eyes.
So far, though, they are being out-fundraised by the Republicans by a wide
margin. They have lost several special elections to the GOP since Mr. Trump
came to power. Most Americans, according to a recent poll, don't even know
what the Democratic Party stands for.

The party hasn't been idle on the policy front. In July, it unveiled a new
platform under the slogan, "A Better Deal." Among its main features were a
$15-an-hour minimum wage, lower prescription-drug prices and a promise to
curb corporate monopolies, which, the platform said, are driving down

The focus is on the economy, not identity politics. "Old-fashioned
capitalism has broken down to the detriment of consumers," said the party's
Senate leader, Chuck Schumer.

The Better Deal got next to no traction. The imprint of Ms. Clinton's
handiwork is still too thick. She is a symbol of old politics, of elitism
and now of defeat, and should be aware of it.

The Democrats do not have a shortage of potentially strong leaders. They
include senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand. Also in
the mix is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, former vice-president Joe Biden
and, although she says she has no interest, former first lady Michelle

Ms. Clinton isn't clearing the stage because she can't live with the
embarrassment of losing to a carnival barker. There's that, and there's
something else likely gnawing at her: a point made at a Republican debate in
2015 by Carly Fiorina. "If you want to stump a Democrat," she said, "ask
them to name an accomplishment of Hillary Clinton."

Sad to say, it is a good question. Ms. Clinton has been a leading promoter
of women's rights and social causes and good values. She's erudite,
fair-minded, dogged. But after a lifetime in the cauldron, what is there?

As first lady, she lost her big fight on health-care reform. What vaulted
her status in public esteem was her stoicism in the face of Bill Clinton's
dalliances. As senator from New York, she is most remembered for a vote
she'd most like to forget – the one in favour of George W. Bush's invasion
of Iraq. As secretary of state, she won international sanctions against Iran
but what stands out is the bungling over her use of her private family
computer server for official communications.

As the Democratic nominee, she will be most remembered for a deplorable
campaign even though she beat Mr. Trump in the debates and won the popular

Ms. Clinton was warned repeatedly about voters' fatigue, about how she had
to find a fresh vision. She couldn't find one then and she's not about to
find one now. She's a spent force. She should recognize it's over and make
way for the others.




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