*Re:**  ** The collapse of the EAC had far-reaching effects*
The article by Jerry Okungu is very shallow.

Any serious person purporting to explain the collapse of the East African
Community in the 1970's, must factor in the role of The Diego Garcia Indian
Ocean US Nuclear Armed Submarine Base.

Otherwise it is just loose talk !!

Henry Kissinger broke up the EA Community, to integrate American Naval and
communication facilities at Mombasa with those on Diego Garcia.

Instead Jerry Okungu missed the real story of global Anglo-American
imperialism but instead is still mesmerised by Amin marrying Nyerere.

Jerry Okungu is an old fellow but he never exudes the depth of an adult.
And that is sad  !!

Fellow Ugandans, Yoweri Museveni told us the truth that if we Africans
continue being stupid then we deserve to be enslaved.

Mitayo Potosi

The collapse of the EAC had far-reaching effects  Thursday, 8th July, 2010

   *By Jerry Okungu*
There is something that many East Africans may never know. Thirty-three
years is a long time unless one was there and old enough to know.
As we ushered in the new East African Common Market this week, two important
dates in our history must not go unnoticed.

These dates are found in June and July 1977. On Friday, June 10, 1977, the
East African Community Budget committee met to approve the 1977-1978
estimates. That meeting ended in disarray following a disagreement over the
control of the Community resources.

One of the culprits was Kenya that demanded more say in many organs of the
EAC based on its annual budgetary contributions. What the Budget Committee
did not know was that failure to approve the estimates on that day was the
beginning of the collapse of the entire structure of the EAC. And so it came
to pass that exactly three weeks after the failure to approve the budget, on
Friday July 1, 1977, the EAC was paralysed for lack of an operating budget.
On that day, Kenya shot the first salvo by grounding all operations of the
common services originating from Kenya. These were the Kenya Railways and
Harbours, East African Airways, East African Road Services, East African
Posts and Telecommunications and several common services.

In retaliation, Tanzania and Uganda also grabbed whatever assets that were
in their territories with borders temporarily closed. It was a day of
inconvenience to East Africans and foreign visitors alike. There were no
flight connections from Nairobi to Dar-es-Salaam and Kampala for several
days if not weeks. All international flights were suspended. Short of
stating it, East African States were on high alert because anything like a
declaration of war was possible.

Being a Friday, I went to the Hotel Intercontinental at the then famous Big
Five bar where Captains Steve Rapuoda, Joe Opere, Jim Ouma, Joash Onyango
and several East African Airways staff were gathered.

My brother-in-law, Captain Rapuoda had invited me there for a drink as they
pondered their future now that their employer was no more. At that moment,
many people had varied opinions why the Community had collapsed.

While some blamed the Kenyatta regime for its greed and arrogance for the
comfort of the rest of the partner states, others thought that the EAC had
started going downhill when soldier Idi Amin had toppled the Obote
government way back in 1971. Since then, things had grown from bad to worse
with Amin threatening territorial integrities of Kenya and Uganda from time
to time. Whereas Amin�s government knew no bounds, his insulting epithets to
Mwalimu Nyerere were bound to reach tipping point at some point one way or
the other.

For Amin to have teased Nyerere that he would have married him had he been a
woman was the height of arrogance that he would later pay for very dearly.

His claim that a good chunk of Kenyan territory, running all the way from
Busia to Naivasha belonged to him sent Jomo Kenyatta in a fit of anger. In
fury, Kenyatta called massive rallies all over the country warning Amin that
his �nyokonyoko� would not be tolerated by Kenyans. Amin backed down and
never mentioned Kenyan territory again.

Whereas Tanzanians blamed Kenyans for the breakup of the EAC due to their
man-eat-man mentality, Charles Njonjo retorted that there was nothing that
Kenyans could gain from a man-eat-dog society such as Tanzania. To Njonjo,
Nyerere�s socialist policies had made it impossible to harmonise the
economic policies of East Africa.

Although the atmosphere at the Big Five was that of apprehension especially
among our friends from East African Airways that contemplated their future;
for the majority of us just getting out of college, it was difficult to
fathom the magnitude of what had just happened. Suddenly it dawned on me
that I could no longer just jump into a steamer, a train or a bus and travel
freely to the two East African states as I had done in my childhood.

The collapse of the EAC on that Friday in July had a far-reaching impact for
Kenyans beyond our borders. Many families like my uncles that had moved and
settled in Sanaki and Kiabakari parts of Musoma region for decades were
forced to reconsider their continued stay in their country of adoption that
had suddenly changed.

The policy of Ujamaaism didn�t make things any better as ordinary peasants
that had enjoyed their freedom tilling their farms were forced into communal
villages as the Arusha Declaration dictated. Finally, for those Kenyans that
were unable to adjust to the new changes, coupled with new hostilities from
their neighbours of decades; chose to relocate to Kenya at the earliest

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