Rose Tumusiime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Let me start by being apologetic to my fellow contributors to this wonderful chat opinion

Platform.  It is important to give you my address but at the moment it is safer to stay incognito. I am Ugandan born and raised in Uganda, residing in the New England States of the United States of America. I have been in this country six years, came from the State House of Uganda to South Africa and then to the United States as a security operative for the government of Uganda. I am a woman of 38 years old, 5-9feet tall, I consider myself intelligent. I am straight forward person. Am nervous and insecure around my fellow women but am not dumb. I am not a sparking conversationalist like my colleague Mr. Kyeyune.


I have come to realize that my government (Uganda) is moving in the wrong direction.

Museveni, the president, will soon be dangerous to our country and its people.  History

will not judge us well, I mean those of us sent to the U.S. to do bad things to fellow

Ugandans living in the United States who are hard working law abiding citizens or residents of the U.S.


I have decided to go against the grain; therefore it will be of benefit to most other Ugandans to understand the dangerous nature president Museveni is leading our nation into a disastrous ending.  It is not a smart idea to come to America, a host nation and start disturbing those hard working people who struggled to get out of Uganda due to abuse of human rights and poverty.


I am surprised to the reaction of my fellow contributors calling for my dismissal!  It seems to me that those people calling for my dismissal have something to hide, or, are in fear of being exposed.


I am convinced that this is the right time to have Museveni and his operatives exposed to the Ugandans living all over the world.  It is also the right time to expose Museveni for what he is.  His real true colors, tired and turning into a ruthless dictator with no new ideas except oppression and intimidation of the citizens.


I am becoming more skeptical about where Museveni is taking Uganda.  I am disturbed by the way he has tried to start confusion and chaos in Buganda and Ankole.  Mr. Museveni is a dangerous, selfish, dictator in puberty stage with little regard to the country’s well-being and its people.



My brother Abdul Kalema Kimbugwe supposedly called himself a “Mulangira” criticizing me and asking for my dismissal!  Why is he not outraged by Museveni’s meddling in Buganda and Buruuli issues?  I suppose as a Mulangira (prince) Mr. Kimbugwe would be more outraged about the Buruuli issue than my exposure of Museveni’s operatives in the U.S.


My brother Abdul is a Muslim as well, where was his message of happy IDI Day for the Muslims?  Mr. Kimbugwe, think about those two questions before you embark on waging a war to remove me from the discussion.  I hope you are not one of Museveni’s operatives trying to destroy Ugandans living in America by disguising yourself as a Muslim and a prince.


Mr. Kimbugwe, you should be concerned about the confusion Uganda government is trying to cause here in the USA by trying to turn UNAA into a Ugandan arm of NRM-O in America.  On December 23, 2004, the President of UNAA was in Uganda to meet with the Director General of ESO, and the Private Secretary to the President in-change of political.  This should make UNAA members outraged because UNAA was not started for that purpose, of political division and witch-hunt for Ugandans in North America (UNAA should not become an NRM political wing).


Mr. Kimbugwe you should be concerned about the Ambassador of Uganda in Washington D.C., Mrs. Edith Ssempala- (Grace Nyabizura Bafakurera) who works for Uganda during the day and work for Rwanda at night. Mr. Kimbugwe should be beside himself due to the ambassador’s malicious dedication to create divisions among Ugandans in the USA.   All her correspondence threatening some UNAA members is evident and available.  Why are you not concerned about Mr. Kabonero at the Ugandan Embassy in D.C., who is cheating the Ugandan people and government by renting his brother-in-law’s house under disguise.  Why are you not concerned about all the properties those in government are buying here in the USA while leaving Ugandans without oxygen at the Mulago Hospital.  I have all the information about Museveni’s plans for infiltrating Ugandans here in the USA.


In due course I will give the list of names of all those people, I mean innocent Ugandans that Museveni want to target and harass here in the U.S.  I will expose the Karuhanga plan.  I will give you a list of properties, owners and locations right here in the U.S.


A note to the Baganda.  All dictators in Uganda have come to power by the generous trust of the Baganda.  Ugandan dictators have enjoyed your support, in the end they have abused the Kingdom (Buganda) and its people.  For us the Banyankole, we gave up on Museveni!  We know he is a snake in the pot.  Baganda trust your history and save yourself the repeat.


I want Museveni to know that the politics of jabs has just started and more is under way, most of his security operatives, he is paying to do dirty work for him in the USA will be exposed from New York, Texas, Minnesota, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, to Toronto.


Keep me incognito so that I continue the hardball and give you the real good music, that Museveni, would hate to dance to its tune.  Until next time, the struggle continues.


Rose Tumusiime

Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What is the relationship of R Mukooza, R Kulabako and R Tumusiime?  Is it just letter "R" or much deeper than that?  The alias of Rose Tumusiime started on X' mas day and goes on to praise the moderator of this group for obvious reasons.  Much as one can go into archives after becoming a member, it takes someone who has been a regular follower of deliberations and interjections here to start giving labels.  The labels and the promised intent gave away your identity.  I will not be surprised if your next subscription to UNAANET gives your gender as a male.

Rose Tumusiime <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni wrote to the British Secretary for International Development, seeking her approval for Uganda's increase of defence spending from the current Uganda shilling 196 billion to Uganda shillings 241 billion necessitating the immediate reduction of all non-defence government spending by 23%. Defence spending in Uganda is ordinarily un-audited. President Museveni says he needs even more money to fight insurgency in the Northern Region, home to 28% of Uganda's population. It has been a war zone since Museveni seized power in a military rebellion in 1986. Museveni has persistently refused to hold peace talks with the armed and political opponents in the North by promising to wipe them out, which he has failed during his entire reign.

 Britain is silent on dictator Museveni's view that democratic rule is an alien and anti-African concept. Muammar Gadaffi publicly advised Museveni in Kampala to reject the humiliation of electoral process allegedly because "revolutionaries simply capture power rather than compete for it." Both Museveni and Gadaffi reaffirmed their full support for Robert Mugabe's farm invasions.

 Museveni's son one Keinerugaba Muhoozi was reportedly admitted as the first ever-private student at the British Sandhurst military college. Such anomaly is questionable when the "private student" left college as a Second Lieutenant. Guess who commissioned him upon arrival in Uganda. Libya's Col. Gadaffi promoted this Sandhurst student to a full Major. Published reports say this British-Gadaffi man is the presidential heir apparent. He has been in charge of a terrorist gang called PPU (Presidential Protection Unit). Only Britain, Gadaffi and Museveni know more about Major Muhozi while Ugandans can only endure the terror he unleashes on them.

 The Ugandan government temporarily suspended an independent publication and radio station of The Monitor for over a week for reporting about government loss of a helicopter in the ongoing war. The government which now terms its political opponents as terrorists, is bound to clamp down further against other freedoms. Britain considers Uganda as a show case success story.

 The Uganda Government has commissioned a so called "Operation Wembley" armed terrorist squadron with powers to shoot to kill on site any suspected "robbers" from their homes, offices etc. Survivors are arrested and subjected to a martial law junta that mainly dispenses the death sentence. Arbitrary rule especially the subjection of civilians to military junta violates the principles of the laws of natural justice. Political opponents fear for their safety as President Museveni has empowered "Operation Wembley" to include "corrupt" civil servants and other civilians! Britain has refused to condemn Uganda.

 President Museveni has also commissioned another terrorist organisation funded and based in the president's office called Kalangala Action Plan (KAP) under one Major Roland Kakooza a Senior Presidential Advisor. Kakooza Mutale has often bragged over his actions in the press and parliamentary committees. He even declined a ministerial post, choosing to run KAP that is responsible for kidnap, detention and disappearance of government opponents especially during electioneering periods. KAP is one of three terrorist organisation funded by the President's office.

 The President's inner family (called Akazu) namely his younger brother Lt Gen. Caleb Akandwanaho alias Salim Saleh are named amongst the key plunderers of the natural resources of the Congo/Zaire (DRC) according to the third and latest United Nations Report. Lt Gen Akandwanaho earlier admitted to the Parliamentary Committee for masterminding a racket involving tens of millions of dollars in a faked privatisation deal of the Uganda Commercial Bank. The report lists some of the companies associated to Salim Saleh and involved in Congo's plunder as Victoria Group, Trinity Investments and LA CONMET.

 It is known that President Yoweri Museveni is the key culprit while his brother Lt Gen. Akandwanaho alias Salim Saleh is the front and foil for the looting and plunder. Dictator Museveni however, publicly forgave his brother against all the accusations and confessions. He then appointed him to cabinet but failed to get parliamentary ratification due to lack of qualifications.

 Besides the President's brother the latest UN Report also names key Uganda government officials including Minister Kahinda Otafiire, Major General James Kazini and Head of Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence Colonel Noble Mayombo. The report further names British affiliated firms including British firms Anglo-American (leading gem mining company), Barclays Bank, Beyers and DeBeers Diamond Company that have illegally exploited Congo's diamonds, gold, coltan (columbite-tantalite-the rare mineral used in the manufacture of mobile phone, laptops etc, costing about US$400 per kilogram), cobalt etc. They are among the 85 foreign companies involved in these hideous crimes.

 A dubious Zimbabwe business linkman, John Bredenkamp, is named by the UN report as the links for British Aerospace and another company that supplies logistics to Zimbabwean army. Much of the exploitation reportedly utilises slave labour. Slavery and slave labour is an international law offence. Inhuman conditions for the sake of Congo exploitation has caused deaths of an estimated 3.5 million people with an infant mortality of 35%. Such is the price for British support of the Congo Conflict.

President Museveni has vowed not to respect judicial decisions allegedly because some judges were opposed to his rule. He also warned former President Godfrey Binaisa against any civil proceedings against the government. He has expressed anger over poor police electoral support and imposed a serving military general as head of the country's police. He has sarcastically suggested that between himself and a cow, the police would vote for a cow.

Yoweri Museveni is currently advocating for a constitutional change to allow him run another term beyond 2006 after 20 years in power. His New Labour funders are silent.

Foreign Secretary Jack Straw has shown no interest, hardly traveled to or engaged in the promotion of democratic rule in Africa. Britain regards Africa as an inconsequential eyesore (not scar) undeserving of any foreign policy inputs and seemingly regrets it’s declared "Ethical Foreign Policy". Britain and US have adopted contrasting post Apartheid Africa policies with the US having an increasingly correct and coherent position. British spectrums Africa foreign policy agenda as developmental aid under DFID Secretary while Foreign Secretary Jack Straw concentrates on the developed world and "axis of evil" states. Unfortunately, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe etc shall soon join this axis facilitated by British support. Sadly, even Robert Mugabe correctly identifies the incoherent British foreign policy as a fundamental problem in Africa. I disagree with Prime Minister and Secretary of State Jack Straw that Zimbabwe's problems are colonially rooted. They are a locally-grown despotism that is supported by local and international state, institutional and private banditry.

Britain as Uganda's closest ally supports the bulk of Uganda's 52% foreign funded budget. It therefore has a moral and political duty to the Ugandan and British people for the ensuing chaos. There is urgent need to review the British taxpayer's finances of undemocratic governments abroad against the stated ploy ethical foreign policy.

Britain obscures all Uganda's abuse of human rights, while fully aware of the international law duty for all states to prevent, investigate and punish abuse of human rights.

Britain hypocritically opposes "bloody" Sierra Leone/Angola diamond trade while actively silent on the "bloody" trade (plunder) in Congo's gold, uranium, ivory, timber, etc.

Notably, the USA abstained in the IMF/ World Bank vote on Rwanda, while France and Belgium openly vowed their open support for the Kabila Congo Democratic Republic's in the aftermath of British supported Rwanda/Uganda shameful aggression. Britain's unflinching diplomatic and financial support for despotic rule in Uganda is contrary to the wishes of Uganda's population and the British taxpayer. The British funded "referendum" against multipartism and denial of transit visa into Britain for the Ugandan opposition are such examples. British influence is fast waning. The Voice of America has overtaken the BBC as the main radio channel.

Kenya, that has stood the brunt of international terrorism, has been denied resources to fight the evil while Uganda is lavishly financed to fight political opposition guised as terrorism.

I have a personal and professional interest in opposing British support for dictatorial rule in Uganda. I suffered torture, kidnap and property expropriation ordered personally by the Ugandan Dictator President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. I have since sought for representation by the British government and been denied such political representation because according to FCO my matter is “a private legal dispute". One recalls Winston Churchill in early 1930 saying: "History will say the honourable gentleman was wrong on this matter. I know it will because I shall write that history." Indeed Winston Churchill later documented these facts in his book "The Second World War." Britain as Uganda's key donor has the capacity and duty to assist a grotesque injustice victim. The FCO have denied me service provision on shifting grounds. They are only consistent in service denial but are shifting their grounds as I have continuously challenged their excuses. Their shameful denials have progressively evolved and currently narrowed down to my nationality origin as their only basis for service denial. I know such denial of government service on the basis of nationality origin to be statutorily unlawful. However, this can be contextualised within the flouting of the "Ethical Foreign Policy" where Africa remains outside the framework of British Foreign Policy inputs.

  The calamity of the hypocrisy of the "Ethical Foreign Policy" is likely to imperil wider British national interests and deserves redress. The FCO ministers/officers rightly believe in privileged despotic behaviour for their extraneous institutional location. It is my submission that you find the FCO "Ethical Foreign Policy" to be wanting.

  With your understanding, my MP knows that I would share my thoughts within the wider democratic concern. Sir, accept my regards in anticipation of your response.

Dr Jesse Mashate

Journalist/Communications Policy Consultant- Stanmore

By Rose Tumusiime:


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