*Hamilton Naki; An African Self-Taught Surgeon Aided Heart Transplant*

 *Network News*

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Associated Press
Monday, June 13, 2005

Hamilton Naki, a former gardener who was so skilled in complicated surgery
that he helped in the world's first human heart transplant -- but had to
keep this secret in apartheid South Africa -- died May 29 at his home near
Cape Town. He had heart- and asthma-related problems. He was in his

"He has skills I don't have," Dr. Christiaan Barnard, who performed the
heart operation, told the Associated Press in 1993. "If Hamilton had had
the opportunity to perform, he would have probably become a brilliant

A black man from a poor family, Mr. Naki left school without qualifications
and found his first job at age 14 cutting grass and tending the tennis
courts at the University of Cape Town.

In 1954, he was promoted to helping with the care of laboratory animals. He
soon progressed from cleaning cages to more advanced laboratory work after
a professor at the university asked him to help anesthetize animals used to
train students in surgery.

Barnard asked Mr. Naki to be part of the backup team in what became the
world's first successful heart transplant, in December 1967. This was in
violation of the country's laws on racial segregation, which, among other
things, dictated that blacks should not be given medical training nor work
in whites-only operating theaters nor have contact with white patients.

Mr. Naki was especially known for teaching medical students to perform
intricate liver transplants on pigs, a procedure that is said to be more
complicated than human heart transplants.

Doctors who observed Mr. Naki's work used to describe how he managed to
join tiny blood vessels with amazing delicacy and accuracy and quietly
finish operations the medical students had started.

Prof. Ralph Kirsch, head of the Liver Research Center, described him as
"one of those remarkable men who really come around once in a long time."

"As a man without any education, he mastered surgical techniques at the
highest level and passed them on to young doctors. I don't think that
happens very often anywhere in the world," he said in a Web site tribute.

Mr. Naki frequently recalled how the medical students came to him for
guidance. "That's why they call me a surgical father," he had said.

By the time he retired in 1991, he had reached only the level of laboratory
assistant. But he had to be content with the meager pension of a gardener,
given that his more skilled work had never been made public.

Mr. Naki told an interviewer: "Those days, you had to accept what they
said, as there was no other way you could go, because it was the law of the

It was only in 1994, after the end of apartheid, that Mr. Naki's
contributions became known. In 2002, President Thabo Mbeki gave him the
country's highest order for his years of public service. The next year,
Graca Machel, the University of Cape Town's vice chancellor and wife of
former president Nelson Mandela, bestowed an honorary degree in medicine on
Mr. Naki in recognition of the years he spent training young doctors who
later become leading surgeons throughout the world.

For most of his professional life, he lived in relative obscurity in a
cramped one-room house without electricity and running water in the grim
Cape Flats townships, which were created for nonwhites by the apartheid

The City Vision newspaper said that just before his death, Mr. Naki wrote a
letter detailing his childhood life and how he grew up in the rural Eastern
Cape, pointing out the difficulties he encountered and the struggle to
become educated. He pointed to famine and the poverty that forced him to
leave the Eastern Cape and come to work in Cape Town.

During his retirement, he achieved a longtime ambition of collecting money
for a school in his deprived home province, hoping to provide an education
he was never able to afford for his own four children.

*Hamilton Naki**

*Hamilton Naki, an unrecognised surgical pioneer, died on May 29th, aged 78

Jun 9th 2005 |From the print



ON DECEMBER 3rd, 1967, the body of a young woman was brought to Hamilton
Naki for dissection. She had been knocked down by a car as she went to buy
a cake on a street in Cape Town, in South Africa. Her head injuries were so
severe that she had been pronounced brain-dead at the hospital, but her
heart, uninjured, had gone on furiously pumping.

Mr Naki was not meant to touch this body. The young woman, Denise Darvall,
was white, and he was black. The rules of the hospital, and indeed the
apartheid laws of the land, forbade him to enter a white operating theatre,
cut white flesh, or have dealings with white blood. For Mr Naki, however,
the Groote Schuur hospital had made a secret exception. This black man,
with his steady, dexterous hands and razor-sharp mind, was simply too good
at the delicate, bloody work of organ transplantation. The chief transplant
surgeon, the young, handsome, famously temperamental Christiaan Barnard,
had asked to have him on his team. So the hospital had agreed, saying, as
Mr Naki remembered, “Look, we are allowing you to do this, but you must
know that you are black and that's the blood of the white. Nobody must know
what you are doing.”

Nobody, indeed, knew. On that December day, in one part of the operating
suite, Barnard in a blaze of publicity prepared Louis Washkansky, the
world's first recipient of a transplanted human heart. Fifteen metres away,
behind a glass panel, Mr Naki's skilled black hands plucked the white heart
from the white corpse and, for hours, hosed every trace of blood from it,
replacing it with Washkansky's. The heart, set pumping again with
electrodes, was passed to the other side of the screen, and Mr Barnard
became, overnight, the most celebrated doctor in the world.

Related items

·  Hamilton Naki: Apartheid's shadow <http://www.economist.com/node/4174683>Jul
14th 2005

·  Memoirs of surgery: Cut to life <http://www.economist.com/node/998288>Feb
21st 2002

·  Christiaan Barnard <http://www.economist.com/node/770757>Sep 6th 2001

In some of the post-operation photographs Mr Naki inadvertently appeared,
smiling broadly in his white coat, at Barnard's side. He was a cleaner, the
hospital explained, or a gardener. Hospital records listed him that way,
though his pay, a few hundred dollars a month, was actually that of a
senior lab technician. It was the most they could give, officials later
explained, to someone who had no diploma.

There had never been any question of diplomas. Mr Naki, born in the village
of Ngcangane in the windswept Eastern Cape, had been pulled out of school
at 14, when his family could no longer afford it. His life seemed likely to
be cattle-herding, barefoot and in sheepskins, like many of his
contemporaries. Instead, he hitch-hiked to Cape Town to find work, and
managed to land a job tending lawns and rolling tennis courts at the
University of Cape Town Medical School.

A black—even one as clever as he was, and as immaculately dressed, in a
clean shirt, tie and Homburg hat even to work in the gardens—could not
expect to get much further. But a lucky break came when, in 1954, the head
of the animal research lab at the Medical School asked him for help. Robert
Goetz needed a strong young man to hold down a giraffe while he dissected
its neck to see why giraffes did not faint when they drank. Mr Naki coped
admirably, and was taken on: at first to clean cages, then to hold and
anaesthetise the animals, then to operate on them.

*Stealing with his eyes*

The lab was busy, with constant transplant operations on pigs and dogs to
train doctors, eventually, for work on humans. Mr Naki never learned the
techniques formally; as he put it, “I stole with my eyes”. But he became an
expert at liver transplants, far trickier than heart transplants, and was
soon teaching others. Over 40 years he instructed several thousand trainee
surgeons, several of whom moved on to become heads of departments. Barnard
admitted—though not until 2001, just before he died—that Mr Naki was
probably technically better than he was, and certainly defter at stitching
up afterwards.

Unsung, though not unappreciated, Mr Naki continued to work at the Medical
School until 1991. When he retired, he drew a gardener's pension: 760 rand,
or about $275, a month. He exploited his medical contacts to raise funds
for a rural school and a mobile clinic in the Eastern Cape, but never
thought of money for himself. As a result, he could pay for only one of his
five children to stay to the end of high school. Recognition, with the
National Order of Mapungubwe and an honorary degree in medicine from the
University of Cape Town, came only a few years before his death, and long
after South Africa's return to black rule.

He took it well. Bitterness was not in his nature, and he had had years of
training to accept his life as apartheid had made it. On that December day
in 1967, for example, as Barnard played host to the world's adoring press,
Mr Naki, as usual, caught the bus home. Strikes, riots and road blocks
often delayed it in those days. When it came, it carried him—in his
carefully pressed suit, with his well-shined shoes—to his one-room shack in
the township of Langa. Because he was sending most of his pay to his wife
and family, left behind in Transkei, he could not afford electricity or
running water. But he would always buy a daily newspaper; and there, the
next day, he could read in banner headlines of what he had done, secretly,
with his black hands, with a white heart.
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