Ssemakula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mr. Mujungu:


OK I’ll post the UN Security Council Report separately.


But Presidential Proclamation 7750 is actually useful in clipping the wings of dictators, their lackey & sycophants (balebeesi), since nearly uniformly all of the above have ill-begotten wealth (the real goal of their power grab). Like one “Deep Throat” once famously said: “Just follow the money …”.


As such, it incumbent on the opposition to:

  1. Inform the State Department on the corrupt officials & their dependants, and to ensure that the US embassy in the country & neighboring countries is properly informed – even if it means compiling a ‘Bad Boy & Bad Girl’  or simply ‘Bad Family’ list.
  2. Campaign for the adoption of similar measures by all Western governments and other democracies.


Anyhow, according to


President Bush has signed Presidential Proclamation 7750, To Suspend Entry as Immigrants or Nonimmigrants of Persons Engaged in or Benefiting from Corruption. The proclamation restricts immigrants and nonimmigrants “who have committed, participated in, or are beneficiaries of corruption” from entering the US in order to protect the international activity of US businesses, US foreign assistance goals, US security and the stability of democratic institutions and nations.


There are four categories of individuals who are restricted from entering the US under the proclamation.  The first is public officials or former public officials who have accepted an “article of monetary value or other benefit” in return for not carrying out their public functions, or has caused serious negative effects for US national interests. 


The second includes individuals who provide or offer to provide an “article of monetary value or other benefit” to the public officials in exchange for not carrying out their public duties or negatively affecting US national interests.  The individuals in these two categories are designated by the Secretary of State.


The third category includes public officials or former public officials who misappropriate public funds or interfere with public processes, such as the judicial or electoral processes, or have negatively affected US national interests.


And the fourth category includes spouses, children and other dependents of those in the first three categories, who benefit from the “articles of monetary value or other benefits” received by those individuals.



i.e. Opposition, don’t drop the ball!


The full text of Presidential Procalamation 7750 is at:

Mw Ssemakula,
I just checked out the link and I see only one Major General i.e from
Uganda. Add the Mrs as per the New Vision report, you got two.
I know there is more...Share the UN report, will you?


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: [UNAANET] US locks out Saleh's wife
From: "Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, June 6, 2005 1:53 pm

No need to wonder. Go to: (click on key figures)

many more are named in UN Security Council Report S/2002/1146 on
plundering the DRC which is online at the UN. If you cann't find it I'll
be happy to post it here. Another UN report, S/200 1/357 in paragraph 67
even accuses the indefatigible Saleh of making counterfeit Congolese
francs. Talk about printing your own money!


S/2001/357 is also at:

Joseph Kamugisha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
I wonder who will be next.


Johnson Mujungu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
The American embassy in Uganda has denied Ms Jovia Akandwanaho an entry
visa into the United States because of her alleged involvement in the
plunder of the natural resources of the DR Congo.

A source told Sunday Monitor that Jovia, who is Lt. Gen. Salim Saleh's
wife, in recent days applied for an entry visa into the United States to
do business but was told she did not qualify for one because of her
alleged role in the DR Congo.

An embassy source said Jovia was denied the visa under Section 212(f) of
the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 and Presidential
Proclamation 7750 of 2004, which prohibit entry into the United States of
"persons engaged in or benefiting from corruption".

When Sunday Monitor reached her, she promised to call back but had not by
press time.
In 2001, a UN panel of experts accused Jovia Akandwanaho of involvement in
illicit trade in the DR Congo thereby plundering that country of its
natural wealth.

Victim of UN report
There have been many international accusations against many Ugandan
officials, especially senior military officers, of looting DR Congo of its
minerals and timber as the country sunk further into war and anarchy
starting in August 1998.
The UPDF was one of up to six armies from around Africa involved on either
the side of the rebels or the Kinshasa government in the war in DR Congo.

The UN panel claimed: "Jovia Akandwanaho…is m ore aggressive on the issue
of exploitation of the natural resources of the Democratic Republic of the
Congo. She is particularly interested in diamonds. According to very
reliable sources, she is at the root of the Kisangani wars. She wanted
control of the Kisangani diamond market after having confirmation from Mr.
Khalil, "Director" of the Victoria Group, that it was a good idea and that
it was feasible to control the Kisangani market."

Kisangani wars refers to the three battles between the Ugandan and Rwandan
forces between 1999 and 2000 reportedly over control of key mineral mines
in the area around the city of Kisangani.

The report also observed that "Salim Saleh, and his spouse Jovia are at
the core of the illegal exploitation of natural resources in areas
controlled by Uganda."

While in the Congo, the UPDF controlled a large area of eastern part of
the country. The panel accused Jovia of being one of the owners of three
companies that were implicated in the plunder: Trinity, Victoria and Air
Alexander, which was accused of carrying the loot from eastern Congo.

All Ugandans who have been named in the illegal exploitation have
strenuously protested their innocence.
The report recommended that the accused be punished with travel bans,
among others.

A source close to Jovia said she had applied to go for private business in
New York and Washington, DC.
In December last year, the embassy denied Internal Security Organisation
chief Elly Kayanja a visa to travel to the United States without giving

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