In an extract posted on this forum by Ssemakula-Musamize and maybe in the whole book 'The Brutal Murder of Dr Kayiira', Bwegye offers nothing new.

And yet there is so much to learn from the miscalculations and death of Kayiira.

There is so much similarity between Kayiira's case and Tom Mboya's  that if he, Kayiira, had carefully examined the Mboya circumstances he probably would have lived to see another day.

Tom Mboya was groomed by the CIA, via the 'International Labour Congress', as a fall-back guy in thwarting genuine independence for Kenya.

Imperialism and British capital did not want to put all their bet on just one collaborator, Jomo Kenyatta.

But once they were sure Kenyatta was a faithful agent, they had no use for Mboya, and so they got Kenyatta to get rid of him.

In a somehow different case, G W Bush Sr and Margaret Thatcher wanted to get rid of their agent Moi, and identified Robert Ouko as their best new man. In this case, however, Moi was very fast and got rid of what had been identified as his replacement.

In our case, all NRA and Kayiira's weapons came from Lonrho's Tiny Rowland and Jewish interests based in London. (and Cardinal Nsubuga's weapons too, if you will). The order had come from the British government to Moi of Kenya to facilitate a smooth flow of these arms to the rebels in Uganda.

Meanwhile the same British offered Obote a 'British Military Training Team' to train UNLA. This 'British Military Training Team' was none other than the mercenary company Sandline International.

Kayiira was able to be the recipient of weapons because all along he had been recruited as a MOSSAD agent.

Both Museveni and Kayiira were running dogs of these Jewish quasi-British interests. So once they had Museveni in place in State H'se, like the case of Mboya, they had to get rid of Kayiira.

And Bwengye has been a player in these terrorist games and I assume he should know of all these twists and turns.

I am always amazed to find so many Ugandans, Baganda and non-Baganda, who longingly remember Kayiira as 'our man'. The fellow was nothing of the sort.

Then there are others, militarists, who glorify him from the safe distance of Europe or USA. These are cowards that would spill the blood of innocent Ugandans to remove one puppet dictator only to replace him with another puppet!!

Bizarre, don't you think?


I'm thinking of  a God very different from the God of the Christian and the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins."   Philosopher  Antony Flew 1922 - .

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