*Thanks again Brother Kalyegira for this article.

The inferiority complex of most Chinese vs the White race is disturbingly
very visible here in Toronto.

It seems most Chinese girls who land here for education have only one dream;
to have sex with a White man. Any White man. It does not matter whether it
is an old Mzee or what is called "White trash".

Most Indians too have it embedded deep in their psyche to aspire to be

That is why maybe they try to compensate their inferiority complex by
treating us, even in Africa, as if we are garbage.
It is the utmost insult for them to look down upon us while they are on our
mother continent.

Most South/Central Americans (Latino) also suffer from this complex.
It was assumed that, voting for Obama would seem to them like a move
backward  away from the dream of 'being' White.
Mostly the young ones, though, have debunked this and are moving to Obama in

All that be as it may, it is only us Africans that will have to assert our
dignity on the world stage.
For this we have to unite.
Our enemies don't like this. (Remember when the late Colonel
Sserwanga-Lwanga, Col Besigye, Tinyefunza,  and most NRM fighters told
Museveni off that we Ugandans had no desire to go back to feudalism.
Museveni replied that it wasn't his desire either, but an order had come
from the British. The Anglo-Saxon monsters have mastered the art of divide
and rule).  Many Ugandans forget this and label us Baganda as tribalistic,
and British imperialism loves that !!
 I am sure that if a referendum had been held in Buganda, on restoring the
Mengo feudal nonsense, the progressive Baganda would have been the majority
and rejected the Balkanisation.

So, even the moves for Africa's economic integration that took place in
Kampala recently are very positive.

Ngugi wa Thiongo is very clear how our post independence literati have done
us a disservice. We are still saddled with midgets like Nigeria's Chinua
Ali Mazuri sings a very revolutionary rhetoric when he addresses people here
in the West, but becomes a complete reactionary when he is talking to
Africans back home.

Even most of our 'Monitor' reporters never measure up to the task.

Recently it was pointed out that you, Brother Kalyegira, was in the pockets
of some moneybag who had sponsored you to China. It was unsettling
especially for us who find you a positive voice on some crucial issues of
our country.

We have always wished to support you if you establish a weblog, so that you
get financial independence.
Don't ever let us down, please.

In Brotherly spirit,
Mitayo Potosi

 *THE RIDDLE* | Timothy Kalyegira


  Obama's rise and America's collapse from world power
The most important question in the next six weeks, should the Democratic
Party candidate Barack Hussein Obama Junior win the United States
presidential election of November 4, is how the world will start viewing

In an April 2, 1990 Newsweek with the cover story, "What Japan thinks of
America: a nation of crybabies?" a Newsweek/Gallup poll of what Japanese
thought were America's most serious problems, 93 per cent thought it was
America's drug and alcohol addiction; 66 per cent thought it was lazy
workers; 57 per cent thought America's problem was too many racial and
ethnic groups; 55 per cent thought it was not enough long-term investment;
and 53 per cent though workers and bosses were too greedy.

In an interview in that same Newsweek edition, the then chairman of the
United States car maker Chrysler Corporation, Lee Iacocca, noted that, "If
you read any history of Japan, their idea of competition is always highly
adversarial, and its objective is…to destroy the competition- not to
compete, but to wipe it out."

During the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games in August, the
Japanese Olympic team carried both their national flag as well as that of
China in a gesture of the reconciliation of these once bitter enemies and
their working to create a new century, the 21st century as the Asian

A study in 1983 by the United States group, the International Communication
Agency, found that the Chinese "are inclined to underestimate American
resolve and strength because of the multiplicity of voices and currents in
American life, which, in their eyes, signifies weakness and lack of unity."
(Newsweek, July 11, 1983, page 9).

What is not stated but is implicit in these China-Japan views of America is
clear: these East Asian economic giants think America was once great because
it was a White-dominated society but that its greatness has, over time,
steadily been eroded by the presence of too many Blacks and Hispanics in the
US society.

To these emerging Asians, as well as the Arabs, the Whites have become the
standard bearer of the world and their sense of fashion, style,
architecture, humour, music, news media format, education systems, sports,
languages, physical appearance, and religions are widely imitated and
grudgingly adopted.

Likewise, for all sorts of reasons, the bitter and inconvenient truth of our
undeniable underachievement, lacklustre products and goods, inconsistency,
indiscipline and overall unproductivity leads to us the Black race being
perceived as the lowest of the low of the world's people. We are loved for
our simplicity of personality and lifestyle and genuine friendliness, but in
general we are not taken seriously.

Americans might like to view themselves as a post-racial, fully harmonious
society, but what is important in the geopolitics of late 2008 and 2009 is
that most of the rest of the world still sees Whites as the people to
respect and fear and Blacks (even a President Obama) as a people not to be
taken seriously.

And so this pervasive racism toward Blacks will be a major factor in how the
world perceives and responds to an Obama-led America. There are several
nations that view the United States as a rival or obstacle to their wish to
dominate the world.
Iran, Japan, China, Russia, Syria, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Libya, and
leading European Union states like Germany and France would gladly take
advantage of any perceived weakness of America under a liberal Obama.

That explains the record amounts of campaign money Obama has been able to
raise via the Internet. With the US economy faced with a major downturn,
families losing homes, cars, jobs, and their life savings, can these same
hard-pressed Americans be the same people to pour out their money into
Obama's campaign, however much they love and support him?

Could some foreigners be quietly sending in money to make sure Obama wins?
Many foreign governments are banking on a soft Obama presidency and will
plot their foreign and military policies around that perception.

For all these reasons, Obama's presidency will dramatically speed up
America's fall from its current superpower standing, not because Obama is an
irresponsible leader, but because of how these competing Asian nations view
the world's only superpower being led by a Black man.

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