This sounds more like Museveni not Kony, to me. This un-named Carlifornia expert has described Dictator Museveni to me. We all know that in addition to being s phsychopath, Museveni is severly schizophrenic to me. If Kony is also of the same diseases, then lord have mercy.
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A psychiatrist’s take on LRA leader Kony
Thursday, 1st June, 2006
SCHIZOPHRENIC? LRA leader Kony poses for a photograph with children
First of all it seems clear that Kony is psychotic, which I derive from the delusional aspect of his experience. The type of psychosis that is primarily characterised by delusions but which does not include disruption of capability for rational organisation is the paranoid type of schizophrenia.
Paranoid people can be quite ‘compartmentalised’ in their mental organisation. This means that they can be totally delusional in some particulars but well organised in their functioning for the most part, so that friends may not even suspect there is something wrong with them.
Given that this man has been conducting a military campaign for many years, it would appear that his functioning is for the most part intact, although he may be falling apart if he is losing control or fearing that he is losing his war and his security.
So my diagnosis is that Joseph Kony suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, which means that he may come across as quite normal, rational and charming, as long as you do not challenge him.
Anybody who approaches him will be seen as an intruder, a threat, even though he may have invited you into his life. And you will be completely unable to persuade him rationally that he is mistaken. It was amazing for me to discover how totally inaccessible and completely oblivious to rational argumentation paranoid people are.
Next is the issue of Kony’s criminality. It is quite clear that whatever his mental functioning status, he is also totally psychopathic, which is to say that he has no normal sense of conscience, human feeling or capacity for empathy.
Just as it is shocking to discover how inaccessible paranoid people are to rational argumentation, likewise it is shocking to discover how some human beings are totally devoid of all human feelings, although they can be charming and manipulative.
Many a therapist have tried to help psychopathic clients, devoting hours of loving, empathic listening and understanding in an attempt to reach and heal such a person, only to discover that absolutely nothing was accomplished because these types of persons are truly devoid of any capacity for human relationship.
Human beings relate to one another primarily by projecting on others characteristics of their own psychology. Usually the projection is a reasonably good fit, which allows for human interaction and relationship.
In Kony, you will encounter an individual who will not be relating to you as the human being you perceive yourself to be, nor will you be able to understand him by any experience within yourself.
A person like Kony has two primary motivations in meeting an outsider. First of all he has some purpose of manipulating his situation to improve his prospects as regards his personal safety and security. That is his strategic purpose. On a more personal level, I suspect he has enormous narcissistic needs. He wants to be understood, appreciated and approved and anything less than this will be seen as betrayal. He will not be fooled or deceived.
These kinds of persons know how others feel often before they themselves do, that is to say they are enormously sensitive to other’s attitudes even though they themselves are incapable of empathy.
The main advice I would give to anybody who is to meet Kony is that you listen and never challenge or even try to engage him. His responses, his psychotic ranting may be boring at times – it is amazing how banal some of this psychotic imagination can be – but it is of utmost importance to him that you listen and he will not easily tire of enjoying your attention as his narcissistic needs are gratified by your
Anybody meeting Kony should keep in mind that control is very important for the narcissist. Let him control the meeting in every way. Do not try to assert yourself against directions he chooses to take in the ‘discussion’, which I expect will be more of passive listening than any kind of normal engaged interview. Do not ask any judgmental questions. He will not miss the implication. You cannot overestimate what a dangerous person Kony is, even to your own welfare.

The writer worked with hardcore criminals in a San Francisco prison

Michael BWambuga wa Balongo

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