UPC sends Xmas card to Museveni

MERRY XMAS: Yoweri Museveni

By Josephine Maseruka

The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) has sent Christmas and new year greeting cards to President Yoweri Museveni, Kabaka Ronald Mutebi and over 200 political, religious and cultural leaders.

UPC administrative secretary Kyeyune Ssenyonjo said about 250 cards were sent out.

He said the President’s card was delivered at State House, Nakasero on December 23. Army commander Lt. Gen. Aronda Nyakayirima also received one.

Presidential assistant Moses Byaruhanga yesterday said he was not aware that Museveni received a card from UPC.

Ssenyonjo said the Kabaka, Katikkiro Joseph Ssemwogerere, Mengo ministers and Lukiiko members also received cards.

Ssemwogerere yesterday said he left his office for Christmas before receiving the card.

He also said he had received cards from other parties.

UPC officials said they had received Christmas cards from Dr. Crispus Kiyonga, the National Political Commissar, and from Ofwono Opondo, the information director of the Movement secretariat.

Muslim and traditional leaders, except Isabaruuli Mwogezi, were not an exception. Ssenyonjo said they did not know where to deliver Mwogezi’s card.

Cards were also sent to political parties like the National Resistance Movement organisation, the Federation for Democratic Change, the Democratic Party and the Conservative Party.

The Speaker of parliament, Edward Ssekandi, Inspector General of Police Katumba Wamala, the Commissioner of Prisons, Joseph Etima also received cards. A joint card was sent to all MPs.

Published on: Tuesday, 28th December, 2004


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