Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ultimately Museveni is to Blame 

 • Somalis. People times ten. From grief to laughter, from love to hate Somalis 
seem turbo-charged. Hyper-driven with life force. Dowden, ‘09 

•The trouble with the United Nations is that if we ask them for help, they will 
send us some African who has already destroyed his own country and will come 
and mess up ours too. 
A Somalia Minister of Tourism & Wildlife
The blame game is quintessentially Musvenian: All his failures are the faults 
of his “enemies” and detractors. Whereas his stances are cowardly, evasive and 
tacky attempts to duck realities, we indulge in the blame game for cause: his 
recklessly bringing the curse of Somalia to our doorstep. 

For more click on the title or Odiyatalks below.

Just Be

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