Proof of massive voter suppression in Virginia.

Who is to blame now that the US election has been stolen?

For over a year now the best brains in computer science have been telling the world that the Diebold computer systems have been compromised!!

And one does not even need to be a genius to be able to high-jack the whole counting of votes for the whole USA, as long as one has a basic ability to program either SQL, C, C++, scripting, pearl or any of the programming languages.

Many a pre-University youth would accomplish the task easily.

But what does Kerry and the corrupt National Democratic Committee do? They mobilize zillions and zillions of lawyers to 'catch those who were intimidating' African Americans in the ghetto.

Guess what. The GOP didn't even bother to accost a single African-American!! Is it not much easier to sit at ones desk and high-jack the whole election?

My heart sank last night when I saw what the computer thieves had done in Florida. I am still shaken!!

 Of course the exist polls (in Florida) are the best statistical tool you can ever have. Dont believe the crap that exit polls failed. They never failed Gore and have not failed now. Consult any decent Statistician.

But what do our Democratic Party morons focus on? Only Ohio.

It is sad indeed!! 

Even the manufactures of these Diebold computers promised that they will deliver the election to their man, G W Bush.

It makes us fools that we are now surprised!! 

And why try to invent explanations? That Bush was 'elected' by those whose priority is 'moral values'.  What moral values of the US Catholic Bishops supporting Bush whose war-mongering in Iraq had been condemned by the Pope himself?

The bible too tells us to give from the rich to the poor and hungry. But Bush is taking away the 'no-child left behind' money to the zillionaires.

Is this now the moral values of our Bishops?

Fellow Ugandans, these are multi-discipline days. We need lawyers who are computer scientists too. Lawyers with Doctorates in Science or Mathematics too.

Remember m7 and other African dictator thugs are also trying to 'computerize' our electoral process!!

"Ekuba omunaku tekya"

Mitayo Potosi 





>To: undisclosed-recipients:;

>Subject: proof of massive voter suppression in Virginia

>Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 19:35:55 EST


>The turnout in Virginia was an all time high, especially in heavy Democratic

>counties and cities. Yet, an examination of the vote count as compared to 2000

>reveals that the massive turnout, especially with African Americans, young

>people, and Hispanics was not reflected in the final vote counts and percentages.


>I personally witnessed 2 hour + lines at polling places in Arlington and

>Fairfax Counties. This was unprecedented but it is not reflected in the vote

>count. This could be the result of both tampering with computer machines, voter

>suppression at the polls, and refusal to permit people to register.


>Arlington County


>Kerry  63,705   Bush  29,545

>           67.57%           31.34%

>Gore   50,260  Bush  28,555

>            60.15%         34.17%


>(only a 7 point jump for Democrats from 2000 to 2004 ? That does not reflect

>the huge turnout)


>Fairfax County

>Kerry  215,223   Bush  189,371

>           52.58%               45.61%

>Gore   196,501  Bush   202,181

>           47.49%             48.86%


>(where is the huge Democratic turnout reflected in these numbers? A 5 pt.

>rise from 2000 and a 3 pt drop for the Republicans).


>Henrico County (Richmond suburbs)


>Kerry  60,810   Bush  71,765

>           46.26%            53.85%

>Gore   48,645   Bush  62,887

>           42.58%            55.04%


>(Percentage from 2000 to 2004 for Bush went down but numbers went up.)


>Prince William County


>Kerry 56,234     Bush 64,431

>          46.25%            52.99%

>Gore  52,788   Bush   44,745

>          44.52%            52.52%


>(Bush jumped dramatically in numbers from 2000 to 2004 but remained almost

>the same percentage wise. Democratic numbers barely increased even though PWC

>had a huge turnout among minorities)


>Alexandria City

>Kerry  40,807    Bush 19,764

>           66.77%            32.34%

>Gore   33,633   Bush   19,043

>           60.93%             34.50%


>(This does not reflect massive African American turnout in Alexandria. The

>percentage budged upward only 6 %)


>Richmond City

>Kerry  51,703   Bush 21,633

>           70.02%          29.30%

>Gore    42,717          20,265

>            64.80% Bush 30.74%

>(Republican vote went down in the state capital, yet Bush statewide

>percentage was 53.90 % to Kerry  45.23%. This is mirrored in other counties. Gore got

>44.4% and Bush 52.5% in 2000. The slight uptick for Kerry does not reflect

>Democratic turnout statewide. Voting in 2000 was 68.51 % statewide in 2000. It was

>only 68.54% statewide in 2004. That just does nojt make any sense considering

>the massive numbers of newly registered voters and the huge turnout).



"Americans are born in a half-savage country"   Ezra Pound, 1885 - 1972.

Mitayo Potosi 

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