"WHAT DA HE...!!!!" Stars at mid-day, aha aha...

>From: Anyomokolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: ugnet_: { SPAM 1 }:Re: When the wife earns more-Anyomokolo
>Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 02:25:55 -0500 (EST)
>Ssenya wrote:
>Ssenya you are very thoughtful. I am always available. I am a rich woman and don't need any man to be responsible. Robert just let them know that I am a woman with lotsa rights and freedom; including the right to visually inspect and then use my natural measuring tape. And if they don't fit my size, I will tell them straight up, to tack their little penis back in their cheap khaki pants becuase I am large woman  and they are too small for me. I will let them know that I don't deal with little and immature boys. I got a small body, but no man should be deceived. I am very selective becuase I know what I want. I am not going to restrict my choices becuase of culture and tradition. Culture and tradition can kyss my sweet, beautiful, black behind.
>After making myself very clear, the best part would be to watch it shrink as if I just zapped it with high voltage electricity. Zzzzzaaap
>Of course, if they fit my size, I will add them to my list.
>Robert and Ssenya, with that in mind, I wait to see which "fellow men" still "want to scatter their seeds with no responsibilities attached."
>Hey, I am always available.
>I am a grown woman and I know what is good for me. Call it "satanic hedonism", I don't care. Who said, women with "satanic hedonism" become infertile pregnant?
>ssenya nyange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>Anyomokolo said:
> >I will get married when I find a man who lives with me as if he lives
> >alone. This would be my soul mate. If you are out there, contact. You and I
> >will get along well.
>There you go. INVITATION to lucky Robert. When you get the
>experience over there, advise your fellow men. There are so many who want to
>scatter their seeds with no responsibilities attached.
> >From: Anyomokolo
> >To: Robert Owor , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subject: Re: { SPAM 1 }::Re: ugnet_: Re: When the wife earns more -
> >Anyomokolo
> >Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 11:26:58 -0500 (EST)
> >>
> >Humanity or no humanity, I don't care. Experience or no experience, I don't
> >care. Good or bad men and women, asurely don't give a damn. The bottom
> >line is I am grown woman and nobody is going to tell me, at least not at my
> >age, that marriage is good for me becuase I know what is good for me.
> >
> >Unlike many women who are raised in a culture that does not offer them this
> >opportunity, I am glad that I have absolute power and authority invested in
> >me to make my own decision whether I want to get married and spend the rest
> >of my life with a complete stranger or not.
> >
> >Women who feel marriage is where they would find happniness, should go
> >ahead and get married. Personally, the thought of it, marriage, alone makes
> >me feel like a real idiot. Personally, I will never give up my freedom in
> >exchange for a husband. For what? What good is it to me? What do I gain? I
> >don't joke with my freedom.
> >
> >Think about it, I can wake up anytime I want, go out when I want, come back
> >home when I want, make my own decision without worring about a complete
> >stranger, who all of sudden I have to live with for the rest of my life. I
> >can cook when I want, employee a house girl when I want, sleep all day if
> >chose to, blablabla....the list is endless. Give up my freedom! I am not
> >that stupid.
> >
> >I am a woman who does not need money, love or anything for that matter from
> >any man except a child and it takes only ten seconds to ejaculate. Why
> >should I give my freedom for almost fifty years? Please! If the mailman
> >does not come around often enough, I will simply take my money from the
> >bank to the bank.
> >
> >Robert, what has this got to do with humanity and all the good and bad
> >women and men out there?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Robert Owor wrote:
> >Anyomokolo is really Molokony!!!!!
> >
> >Your experience in life Anyomokolo does not sum up the total experience
> >of humanity.
> >What you believe in is not necessarily right especially since your
> >reasoning has fundamental flaws.
> >
> >There are good women and bad women. There are good men and bad men.
> >There are good marriages and bad marriages. There happy single people
> >and sad single people. There happily married people and miserably
> >married people.
> >
> >Choosing to be single is not necessarily wrong, choosing to be married
> >is not necessarily right. The converse is also true. What your argument
> >seems to imply is that a brown dog is better than black dog.
> >
> >
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