
I'll  not apologise for what i think were right words!

Why should I mind so much about your liking of a man you only hear from but never seen 
- Roy Walker has been elusive and  done strange things in this forum, sent articles 
which were uncalled for.

I 've never trusted any so called African American.  You in fact misread my article, I 
just wanted to remind Walker to remain in the confines of the rules and regulation for 
which this forum was created. 

He went on Nkrumah this , O. N that - may i ask , can an American know comrade O.N 
better that we do? I reject this simplification of matters concerning Africans.

I am tired of these foreigners - i wish you understand my position. please. Who have 

> Mr. Bwanika,
> I cannot believe you are capable of stooping this low!!!
> The attack on Mr. Roy Walker was completely unjustified and uncalled
> for.
> Mr.Walker or any other non- UGANDAN has as much right to be on Ugandanet
> and to post whatever he wishes as part of his contribution.
> If you did not agree with the article he posted at least be civil enough
> and state why without personal attacks and uncalled for
> judgements/conclusions. From the very beginning of this forum, I have
> known
> it to be for Ugandans and Friends of Ugandans.  I would not even mind if
> enemies to Ugandans are aboard. It never hurts to listen to what they
> have
> to say and agree to disagree.
> It is people like you with a tunnel/narrow idea of the global world that
> are contributing to the misery all over the world. Why can't we all
> learn
> to get along. After all we belong to the same race, the HUMAN RACE.
> We as Africans have so much to learn from the Africans in USA/African
> Americans. Furthermore, if we as Ugandans plan to fight and end
> imperialism
> or colonialism, oppressions and exploitation whatever terms one chooses
> to
> use, we will need not only Ugandans, other Africans and the Africans all
> over the globe.
> I have unsolicited suggestions to advance: Next time you do not like a
> posting from anyone on this forum----USE the DELETE KEY. It is handy and
> the person who posts such article would not mind what you do in your
> computer. It would benefit you to be on Ugandanet  with an open mind.
> The
> glory of Ugandanet is the wide range of postings members contribute. We
> can
> all learn something; so please do not spoil it for the rest of us by
> attempting to intimidate the posting you disagree with. You have
> actually
> embarrassed all of us particularly Ugandans on the forum. Finally and
> foremost, I emplore you to apologize to Mr. Roy Walker and any other
> non-Ugandans as well fellow Ugandans on this forum for abusing them with
> such response to a posting that was meant to open up our eyes.
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