
Food industry and the Farmer

- Since Friday 29 and Saturday, 31 January 2004 some parts of Kampala had no power as some parts of the country. There you are with Agro- ecological industry as a niche.

- Quencher a popular drink (modern, fashioned, stylish) Ugandans buy it with a Christian resolve – but ask then Quencher what? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.) allejuha

- Quencher; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, Water Melons, Pineapples, Oranges, Berries, Sweet Bananas or Bogoya? Quencher what?

- None of the above is Quencher - it is only the maker – the producer of the quencher, the cheers, the NIDO who knows what it is and contains. Aaah I forgot KLIM- fabulous indeed and the MIDDLE CLASS.

- Nakasero market in the city center its South African apples – Aaaha- modernity!

- Are the best fruits imported in Europe and North America the best- usually full of chemicals to preserve them but also grown under influence of extensive growth substances?

- The question that is interesting is not the above but what makes the people consume these items despite the known dangers YET Africa has a variety of foodstuffs grown organically.

- Quencher to Quench. Soda soda soda – WHAT DOES SODA STAND FOR?

- Uganda Bureau of Standards (UBOS) can go to hell! Federation for Uganda Professional Employers (FUE (phew) in short) and

- Uganda National Trade Union now being subdivided because Bwanika started the Democratic Farmers Workers Alliance – Uganda (DFWA-U)!

- Take this from me, those Uganda farmers as their counterpart the EDUCATED CHEMISTS, food hygienist, diet-ist, and agro-nomist BIT THE DUST on Uganda trading town streets with no jobs.

- And - the right honourable mayor in Mbarara the other day, found his government wanting as the milk IN- dustry there, crashes BUT we (I mean Uganda) are soon importing to Nigeria. NIDO. KLIM Uganda upbeat about Nigeria milk deal
Jan 29, 2004 monitor- one can’t fail to laugh- thanks be to the revolution.

- It is Programme for Modernisation of Agriculture and poverty eradication or in FOOL Poverty Eradication Action Plan (PEAP). (see Poverty Reduction Efforts in Uganda: The Role of Monitoring and Evaluation New Vision (Kampala) DOCUMENT January 28, 2004)

- No – let us say Uganda Bureau of standards sets the standards i.e. for MEDICAL REASONS and BACKUP from MULAGO;

- all marketable druckible juice products produced or imported in Uganda must contain 80% - 90% natural products; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.

- Quencher, Sooda, Soda, Sodda, Ssoda, Sodaa! 7 down and up, splaash! Quenched finished.

- Like all MODERNITIES – it is typical of characteristics; sightlessness, de-skilling, de- authentisation, de-localisation, metaphors, de-civilisation, blinding, market slavery- no consumer slavery and the “STATE OF IMPORT TAXATION”.

- Foreign Direct Investment and Uganda investment authority.

- If the above question could be answered (i.e. they eat what they don’t know) then Africa has an answer to finding a market for their abundant crops in those markets.

- Let government through district committees force all Ugandans to have granaries, an acre of each of the mentioned hybrid fruits and a few milk animals i.e. goats or cows buffaloes in Indian produce good milk.

- FORCEFUL MEANS must do this i.e. a law in combination with A TAX LEVY to cause compliance.

- The above can only materialise through some simple STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS like going to Congo or buy junk tanks and helicopters, in allocation of labour, time and resource in hybrid – crop farming like fruits; Passion fruits, Avocado, Mangoes, Papaws, Cocoa, Lemons, water melons, Pineapples, Oranges, berries, Sweet Bananas and Bogoya.

- Why fruits? (see Pineapples cheap as season starts
By Jovita Mirembe Jan 27 - March 2, 2003 in the Monitor.

- These are MARKETABLE ITEMS on a world-wide market in huge quantities either as; JUICE CONCENTRATES, LIQUORS, DRIED FOODS, OR PACKED FRESH FOODS.

- Ambassadorial resource allocation in high consumption countries should seek SUPER MARKET RESOURCE SUPPORT in the purchase of these items.

- But LOCAL consumption must be first GUARANTEED or developed simultaneously for a continuous process.

- The above entails scientific backup for evidence of NUTRITIONAL VALUE in combination with massive internet and media information.

- Any form of government intervention should focus on the MULTIPLICITY OF CONSUMPTION behaviours of the mentioned items above.

- Government supported industrial sector therefore must be MULTIPURPOSE i.e. production of juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or packed fresh foods.

- Indeed waste products can be used in making different types of gases – this could be investigated.

- Develop a NATIONAL AND LOCAL CULTURE for Fruits juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or fresh foods consumption not only in Kampala but Uganda.

- Uganda Television Vision (UTV) & Radio Uganda, KCC and town council therefore must be enlisted as a matter of helping the poor Ugandans with educate media advertisements.

- 1. Provide free advertisement space for a period of one year for any form of emerging production unit in the above sectors.(to avoid Masaka pineapple disaster)

- 2. Allocate a given amount of the taxpayers’ resources to; allocation of seeds, local advertisement i.e. promotion of consumption.

- On the above basis, government must with immediate effect therefore set up two to four multipurpose fruit industries or support the existing ones through micro economic intervention;

- On medical healthy grounds rise taxes to 21.5% on non-natural imported drinks and juices like carbonated and coloured water products or chemically produced juices.

- Reduction in FRUIT CONCENTRATE TAXES, waive taxes on fruit canning, packaging and production machinery.

- Provide RESEARCH FUNDS to Makerere, Kyambogo and Mbarara Universities in the development of new products working closely with the above-mentioned industrial sectors.

- Research must go on as long as the industry exist in packaging, drying, foods items derived, consumption and side medical effects positive and negative.

- There must be a CONSTANT MACHINE (mecoetronomics) DEVELOPMENT in the above sectors; in juice concentrates, liquors, dried foods, or packed fresh foods; production, preservation and packing.

- It can be done from kyambogo, makerere industrial art & design and technology department.

- We in the dfwa-u we expect you to do just exactly that in a limited space of time of your own choose BUT do it.

Bwanika Co-ordinator,



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