Field Marshal Michael Mukula?

KYERE - The military uniform State Health Minister Mike Mukula dons, albeit with a civilian belt, has impressed the people of Teso immensely.
Mukula excelled at his military posturing on July 24 when he arrived at Kyere, Serere, for the burial of Hellen Otekat, late wife of the Soroti LC5 chairman, in a fashion that even the UPDF commander-in-chief would envy - escorted by a mamba.
The apparently smaller men like State Environment Minister Maj. Gen. Jeje Odongo arrived first in a lone civilian car.
Then the crack red-beret soldiers popped up amongst the crowd.
Finally, Mukula's convoy arrived, complete with an armoured battle vehicle (locally known as mamba.)
Addressing the mourners, Mukula said, "You can see for yourselves from my attire, we are in charge of the situation."
On departure, Maj. Gen. Jeje Odongo's car led the way, followed by the mamba and then 'Field Marshal' Mukula's car. The mourners were left whispering at the new star from their community, and immediately christened him 'Ekunyuk' which means a squirrel. The Itesot call a person ekunyuk to acknowledge his cleverness or craftiness.
Incidentally, not a single rebel has been spotted or reported in Serere for many years.
Published on: Sunday, 10th August, 2003
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