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A Price Too High
August 21, 2003
How long is it going to take for us to recognize that the
war we so foolishly started in Iraq is a fiasco - tragic,
deeply dehumanizing and ultimately unwinnable? How much
time and how much money and how many wasted lives is it
going to take?
At the United Nations yesterday, grieving diplomats spoke
bitterly, but not for attribution, about the U.S.-led
invasion and occupation. They said it has not only resulted
in the violent deaths of close and highly respected
colleagues, but has also galvanized the most radical
elements of Islam.
"This is a dream for the jihad," said one high-ranking U.N.
official. "The resistance will only grow. The American
occupation is now the focal point, drawing people from all
over Islam into an eye-to-eye confrontation with the hated
"It is very propitious for the terrorists," he said. "The
U.S. is now on the soil of an Arab country, a Muslim
country, where the terrorists have all the advantages. They
are fighting in a terrain which they know and the U.S. does
not know, with cultural images the U.S. does not
understand, and with a language the American soldiers do
not speak. The troops can't even read the street signs."
The American people still do not have a clear understanding
of why we are in Iraq. And the troops don't have a clear
understanding of their mission. We're fighting a guerrilla
war, which the bright lights at the Pentagon never saw
coming, with conventional forces.
Under these circumstances, in which the enemy might be
anybody, anywhere, tragedies like the killing of Mazen Dana
are all but inevitable. Mr. Dana was the veteran Reuters
cameraman who was blown away by jittery U.S. troops on
Sunday. The troops apparently thought his video camera was
a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
The mind plays tricks on you when you're in great danger. A
couple of weeks ago, in an apparent case of mistaken
identity, U.S. soldiers killed two members of the Iraqi
police. And a number of innocent Iraqi civilians, including
children, have been killed by American troops.
The carnage from riots, ambushes, firefights, suicide
bombings, acts of sabotage, friendly fire incidents and
other deadly encounters is growing. And so is the hostility
toward U.S. troops and Americans in general.
We are paying a terribly high price - for what?
One of
the many reasons Vietnam spiraled out of control was the
fact that America's top political leaders never clearly
defined the mission there, and were never straight with the
public about what they were doing. Domestic political
considerations led Kennedy, then Johnson, then Nixon to
conceal the truth about a policy that was bankrupt from the
beginning. They even concealed how much the war was
Sound familiar?
Now we're lodged in Iraq, in the midst of the most volatile
region of the world, and the illusion of a quick victory
followed by grateful Iraqis' welcoming us with open arms
has vanished. Instead of democracy blossoming in the
desert, we have the reality of continuing bloodshed and
heightened terror - the payoff of a policy spun from
fantasies and lies.
Senator John McCain and others are saying the answer is
more troops, an escalation. If you want more American blood
shed, that's the way to go. We sent troops to Vietnam by
the hundreds of thousands. There were never enough.
Beefing up the American occupation is not the answer to the
problem. The American occupation is the problem. The
occupation is perceived by ordinary Iraqis as a
confrontation and a humiliation, and by terrorists and
other bad actors as an opportunity to be gleefully
The U.S. cannot bully its way to victory in Iraq. It needs
allies, and it needs a plan. As quickly as possible, we
should turn the country over to a genuine international
coalition, headed by the U.N. and supported in good faith
by the U.S.
The idea would be to mount a massive international effort
to secure Iraq, develop a legitimate sovereign government
and work cooperatively with the Iraqi people to rebuild the
If this does not happen, disaster will loom because the
United States cannot secure and rebuild Iraq on its own.
A U.N. aide told me: "The United States is the No. 1 enemy
of the Muslim world, and right now it's sitting on the
terrorists' doorstep. It needs help. It needs friends."  
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