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The 2nd Annual Towards an Africa Without Borders
Conference:  Transformation and Action
October 8th to October 10th 2004
UW-Madison, Wisconsin US

The deadline for submission of papers has been extended to July 23,

The organizing committee for TAWB II invites papers and colloquia from
activists and scholars from all disciplines and professions on the
of TRANSFORMATION and GUIDEPOSTS in Africa and the Diaspora.  Our
for TAWB II is to host a forum for a discussion leading to ACTION that
be centered on (but not limited to) the following core questions:

1) How do those of us working for change in Africa and its Diaspora
Transformation?  How has progress/advancement been identified
historically?  What are some existing examples of guideposts?  What has
been achieved?

2) The Ties that Bind - In what ways do the issues that Africans face
differ from the issues that African-Americans and other Africans in the
Diaspora face in achieving goals towards 'progress'?  Which issues are
shared?  How can we build a common platform and on what issues should
it be

3) How 'Pan' is Pan-Africanism? Is Pan-Africanism inclusive of Northern

4) How has African feminism fared in Pan-Africanist theory and action?

5) Fanon, Nkrumah, Cabral etc. and the cause for African independence:
is the future of African radical theory?

6) Progress in fighting the AIDS pandemic: What are the issues? What
been achieved?  What more needs to be done?

  7)  Africa and the War on Terror:  Whose war?  Whose terrorists?

8) Africa via Haiti: 200 years between empires?

9) Refugees and immigration:  What role for="" Pan-Africanism?

The above questions, which are meant to raise discussion leading to
may also be narrowed to topics relevant to Pan-Africanism such as:

(i) Non-governmental Organizations:  Agents of Change or
neocolonialism?  (ii)  Regional Cooperative Efforts (such as the AU,
and the EAU): Progress or      forbearance?  (iii) Globalization: Are
alternative globalizations?  (iv) IMF/World Bank and the
movement: What role for the African activist?  (v) The future of change
Africa and Pan-Africanism/African unification =AD pragmatics  (vi)
American and African connections in political struggle (vii) The Congo
Pan Africanism (viii) Rwanda =AD When is never again never again? (ix)
Palestine/Israel:  What does it mean to the political activist in
and Diaspora? (x) The African writer, language and African unity (xi)
Africa: Betrayal or Fulfillment?&nb sp; (xiii) Africa and the Middle East
Naming: Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone Africa& (xv) North Africa
relation to Sub-Sahara Africa

Submission of abstracts: Abstracts should be limited to 250 words, and
should include the author's name, title, affiliation, and full address
(including telephone, fax, and e-mail).  If abstracts are submitted by
e-mail, attachments should be in Microsoft Word (.doc).  The deadline
abstract submission is July 23, 2004.  (If you are sending in your
from outside the United States, please consider your country's visa
application turn around and adjust the deadline accordingly).

The abstracts can be sent to the following address:

          Towards an Africa without Borders
          Department of African Languages and Literature
          University of Wisconsin-Madison
          1414 Van Hise Hall
          1220 Linden Drive
          Madison, WI 53715

For more information, please see our website
at or contact Mukoma Wa Ngugi at

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