Govt gives Lakwena US$50,000

AFRICAN BEAT: Lakwena enjoying traditional music whilst in a Kenyan refugee camp

By Felix Osike

FORMER rebel leader and priestess Alice Lakwena may soon be in the country after receiving $50,000 (sh100m) and a satellite phone from President Yoweri Museveni as facilitation for her return from exile.

The money and the phone were on May 28 delivered to Lakwena at Ifo refugee camp, in north-eastern Kenya in the presence of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Kenya government officials.

“She received the promise from the president and very soon she will be here,” said a source in the government.

According to the source, a team of Ugandans including an Acholi cultural leader, Rwot Francis Oryang, the Amnesty Commission chairman Justice Peter Onega, Leonard Chemonges who represented President’s office and an official from the Uganda embassy in Nairobi met the former rebel leader.

Oryang on Saturday confirmed Lakwena had received the president’s offer. “It is true Alice had asked for some money to as sist her. The government responded positively and some facilitation was given,” he said. He said the phone was given to ease communication because that part of Kenya has no phone facilities.
Lakwena is expected back with 45 other former rebels.

Oryang said Lakwena is expected to send her detailed travel plans back home by June 16. He said that the UNHCR representatives had welcomed the decision by the State to facilitate Lakwena’s return. The UNHCR is now expected to work on her repatriation documentation.


Published on: Sunday, 6th June, 2004

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