Has Kony come to tie Teso dogs or dig potatoes?
By Chris Obore

July 15, 2003

Tie your dog otherwise you will be taken to dig potatoes. That was one of the instructions that the defunct Uganda People's Army rebels gave Teso people during the insurgency of the late 1980's. In Ateso language it translates to Owen Ekingok araimam iyangario aibok acok.

The message was that nobody in Teso was supposed to tell government troops where the rebels were hiding. If you told them, the rebels would later get you and, of course, kill you. To tie your dog meant to shut up and to dig potatoes meant to dig your own grave where you would be buried.

Ordinary Iteso obeyed these instructions but by "tying their dogs", the Iteso attracted the wrath of the government troops.

Both the rebels and government soldiers accused the locals of collaborating with the other. The result was that so many innocent people lost their lives.

I vividly remember an incident when government troops went for an operation in Kamaca village near Bukedea. They moved a distance of about 10km from the highway and gathered locals at Ojie Primary School. Fellows who were found digging in their gardens and those moving about were declared rebels.

They were assembled at the playground, told to lie down and showered with bullets. They died in hundreds. A former schoolmate of mine, one Etoori, survived because blood from the bleeding dead bodies splashed over him.

I remember many such atrocities but for the purposes of this article will focus on the recent incursion of Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army into Teso sub-region.

Again, the Iteso are being told to "tie their dogs". The instruction to tie the dogs has already been issued, this time not by the rebels but by government. The daughter of Teso and minister of state for Disaster Preparedness, Amongin Aporu was the first to issue the instruction.

She instructed all FM radio stations in Teso not to broadcast rebel- related news. Radio Kyoga Veritas FM did not tie its dog and was taken to dig potatoes -- It was simply shut down.

But the truth must be told and the truth is that some Teso leaders are happy with the LRA invasion of Teso. They are happy not because they want Iteso to die but because this is the opportune time for them to be seen as true bag boys of President Yoweri Museveni.

Why on earth would Madam Amongin prevent radios from alerting people of the dangers posed by rebels? Why would Teso leaders continue to deceive the world that LRA has been flushed out of Teso when folks in Kabelebyong, Amuria and especially Obalanga are constantly on the run?

Has Kony stopped killing and abducting people since Veritas FM was closed? No.

Let Teso leaders seek favours from Museveni when peace is in Teso not when blood is being shed.

In the olden days, Teso had strong politicians who stood for integrity. The likes of Cuthbert Obwangor, the late Oguli Oumo, Eria Emokori, the late Ariko, the late Cooper Malinga and the late Aporu Okol not to forget Bishop Gershom Ilukor.

These people put Teso's interests before government favours. The reverse appears to be the case today. Ironically, late Aporu Okol was husband to Madam Aporu. While Aporu the man was minister of State for Agriculture and a defender of Teso interests; Aporu the woman is now minister of state for Disaster Preparedness and clearly her interests are elsewhere.

Amongin is not alone. The likes of Ben Etonu (MP Amuria) are part of this conspiracy of silence. They fear to speak the truth and annoy government.

The talking has been left to newcomers in Parliament Elijah Okupa (Kasilo), Alice Alaso (Soroti woman), Patrick Oboi Amuriat (Kumi) and Francis Epetait (Ngora).

The Movement government has cowed Teso leaders but we must remind them that regimes come and go. The Movement never elected them but the ordinary people whom the rebels have displaced and killed did.

To appear like speaking and struggling for Iteso when actually the hidden intention is to seek recognition from government is a reflection of an inferiority complex. Why sell your self for a piece of bread?

The people of Teso deserve to be told the truth about the strength and operations of the LRA so that they make informed decisions. To talk about rebels being defeated when people cannot access their gardens to get food is a sad mockery.

I like minister of state for Health Mike Mukula, who is also MP for Soroti Municipality, for his mobilisation and oratory skills but at times he nauseates me with his hypocrisy and lies. Mukula is telling the world that rebels have been killed and peace is back but even the blind can see locals fleeing as the rebels continue to sow mayhem.

If the Iteso want Kony out of the sub-region very fast, truth and nothing but the truth will help. Mobilisastion of ex-UPA rebels was a step in the correct direction but my fear is that these boys might be used to achieve selfish ends of a few opportunistic leaders.

Iteso don't want any war, therefore, there is no reason why Teso politicians do not want the true picture of LRA's invasion portrayed.

The best is for leaders to be genuine by telling the truth and lobbying government to act. UPA rebellion reduced Iteso, once a dignified group, into beggars.

They have not recovered from that shock and yet again war is looming. Please,

You might want to remember that no amount of reconstruction can return a war-torn area back to its past glory. Remember the Presidential Policy Commission (PPC) for Teso, it was killed by opportunism. Do not use the LRA invasion for selfish ends. Let the dogs be untied this time.

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