I can’t open my door that soon
By Nampiina M. Tracy
April 23 - 29, 2004

“I have been watching you for some time and I realise I am in love with you, will you be my girl friend?” He asks. “Give me some time to think about it,” she replies.

It could be a day, a week or a month. And men do not understand why the answer cannot be instant even when it seemed obvious. To them it is a simple matter; if you want to be in a relationship with me, say ‘yes’. If not, say ‘no’. That should require not more than a few seconds, should it?

A couple takes to the dance floor at Miss Bweyogerere beauty pageant at Jokers Hotel Jan 11 (Photo by Willy Tamale).

But, of course, it should. Every right thinking woman will tell you that only desperate women and adolescents do that.

A real woman needs to get used to the idea of being in a relationship, she needs to study you when she is still on the outside so she can know if you are compatible.

For example are you rich, outgoing, a snob etc. Because her life with you depends on so many things. Time is essential when determining whether the proposal was not on impulse.

We know men; the sight of tears sends them whimpering. The boss can catch you gossiping on the company phone during working hours.

He will start raving mad, screaming and shouting at you. And when you start crying, he will be all over you asking you not to cry and before you know it, he will also be asking you to be his girl friend!

This cannot mean that he loves you. Probably he will not remember the next day that he asked you to be his girlfriend. So if you ignore his tear induced panic attack, you save yourself the embarrassment of allowing or refusing an offer that wasn’t made.

Men are the biggest liars in history. We women know that only too well. So, we need time to dissect their proposals and determine whether we want a married man for a boyfriend.

It is important to do a background check on a man before you let him anywhere near your heart. Who wants an acid wielding jilted wife targeting her? Some things are really not worth the trouble.
Men are also confused by alcohol.

It excites them into action. You meet this guy in a bar and he goes on about you and him in a relationship. The best thing is to take that with a pinch of salt because tomorrow, he will be sober and sane.

And you will look to him like the back of a horse. One he can never, in his right mind, go out with because all his friends will laugh and his family disown him.

Personally, I need to consult. My girlfriends are so important to me. I can’t imagine saying yes to a guy’s proposal without consulting them first.

We need an extensive session, to sit down and discuss you for hours on end; the merits and demerits of an association with you.
Who knows? One of them may know something nasty about you and I get lucky to find out in time.

You may call it playing hard to get but I know it is safer to be stuck there with it. Don’t fret. A wise man will not fight it. He will simply sit back and pray for the tide to turn in his favour.

© 2004 The Monitor Publications

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