Last Updated: Thursday, 19 December 2002
MDC leader Tsvangirai attacks Britain, S. Africa

Herald Reporter
MDC leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday attacked the South African and
British governments, accusing them of hatching a secret plan to neutralise the
opposition party.

Addressing MDC legislators at Harvest House in Harare, Mr Tsvangirai alleged
that Britian and South Africa were hatching a plan to militarise Zimbabwe.

"At the same time, a cabal within Zanu-PF, working with some businessmen, have
hatched a plan to protect Mugabe and his regime for political convenience,
through a further militarisation of Zimbabwe.

"One Colonel Lionel Dyke and his business associates are being used to promote
an agenda that seeks to legitimise the rogue regime.

"The names of Emmerson Mnangagwa and General Zvinavashe keep on coming in
this dirty plan, which we are told was endorsed by Zanu-PF, the British and the
South Africans," said Mr Tsvangirai.

The MDC leader claimed that Zanu-PF and the South African and British
governments were arranging a meeting between him and President Mugabe.

He said he was "reliably informed" that President Mugabe was "prepared to meet
with him somewhere outside the country" to discuss the country’s problems. The
British High Commission in Harare dismissed the allegations.

Deputy High Commissioner Ms Diane Corner said her government had
consistently made it clear that it wants to see a peaceful, prosperous and
democratic Zimbabwe.

"It follows that we have no interest in neutralising the sovereign wishes of the
people of Zimbabwe. Indeed it has been a central plank of British and EU policy to
see those wishes freely and fairly expressed through the democratic process," she
said in a statement.

South African High Commission official, Mr Kingsley Sithole, said he could only
issue a statement after consulting Pretoria officials.

A diplomat who spoke on condition of anonymity said the statements by Mr
Tsvangirai were like a Christmas wish designed to create a talking point at the
on-going ANC conference in South Africa in order to neutralise the presence of

The diplomat said anyone who has been following events in Zimbabwe would be
aware of the fact that there was no chance in heaven for any talks between
President Mugabe and Mr Tsvangirai, or Zanu-PF and the MDC.

"The MDC has lost ground among voters as evidenced by the September rural
district elections and the Insiza parliamentary by-election. More importantly,
Morgan Tsvangirai and some of his senior colleagues are facing serious treason
charges and their trial is set for early February and there is no basis for thinking
that trial will be pre-emptied," said the diplomat.

Echoing the same statements, a local political analyst said: "Anyone who believes
that there can be an unholy alliance between President Mugabe and Tony Blair is
inherently foolish and that alone is enough to show that Tsvangirai’s statement is

The analyst said Mr Tsvangirai was sulky because he had not been invited to the
ANC conference in Stellenbosch.

"Ivinicus factus sum veritabem diceus." ( I have become an enemy for speaking the truth ) St Paul!
Mitayo Potosi

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