"Augustine Ruzindana and Pafo chairperson said the president's reaction was a clear 
manifestation that he had rejected the rule of law." owangee who said Gunmen respect 
the  rule of law?  Muce3beni is simple being exposed for the true gunmen who he is 
period. oh boy I am beginning to enjoy this!!!


MPs React to Museveni Remarks

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The Monitor (Kampala)

June 29, 2004 
Posted to the web June 29, 2004 

Richard Mutumba and Mercy Nalugo

President Yoweri Museveni's remarks on the Constitutional Court ruling over the 2000 
referendum yesterday attracted strong mixed reactions from MPs and ministers. While a 
cross-section of legislators criticised Museveni for over reacting and not respecting 
the rule of law, others attacked the judges for not being patriotic.

The MPs told The Monitor Museveni used the wrong forum to address his problems. 
Museveni in a Radio and TV address to the nation rejected the Constitutional Court 
ruling saying the government would not accept the contents of the ruling.

Augustine Ruzindana and Pafo chairperson said the president's reaction was a clear 
manifestation that he had rejected the rule of law.

"His rejection of the court ruling does not show his respect for the rule of law. His 
statement is a rejection of the independence of the Judiciary. What is left for him is 
to declare what articles of the Constitution he wants suspended," Ruzindana said.

The MP for Aruu County Mr Odonga Otto said by rejecting the Constitutional Court 
ruling the president behaved like a peasant.

"President Museveni should stop behaving like a peasant. Once you protest a court 
judgement you go to (a higher) court. He is trying to show us that there is no 
difference between him and Amin," Otto said adding that Amin rejected several court 

"He is showing us he is a second hand dictator. Any further action, we shall implore 
other means including contacting Police to punish those violating court decrees," Otto 
said. Patrick Oboi (Amuriat) said President Museveni must respect the rule of law.

"If the Judiciary has to be independent we must respect the outcomes of the ruling. 
The ruling implies the entire government and Parliament cease to exist. Where are we 
then? We are in a state of anarchy," Oboi said. He advised that government discusses 
the way forward than attacking the Judiciary.

Like Oboi, Telego MP Mr Kassiano Wadri said the President should respect all the three 
arms of government if he is to believe in rule of law. "I was taken aback like any 
Ugandan who believes in the rule of law when I heard Museveni castigating a ruling by 
the Constitutional Court judges," Kassiano said.

He warned that many more court actions are coming up against government. Latigo Ogenga 
(Agago County) said he was not surprised by the remarks because Museveni has 
persistently attacked the judges. He said following the ruling, there is no way a 
Constitution can be reversed. This (reversing the Constitution) he said would be 
committing treason of which the members have a right to fight him.

"I Hope his colleagues who have been pushing him for a third term will learn from this 
and begin asking themselves where the country is going," Latigo said.

The Bufumbira South MP and State Minister for Information, Dr James Nsaba Buturo said 
the judges were unfair for not proposing an alternative to their decision.

Rushenyi County MP and State Minister for Finance Mwesigwa Rukutana said the court 
would have been kind enough and apply the principle of 'validate if possible' instead 
of attempting to put the country at a standstill.

Kyaddondo South MP Mr Issa Kikungwe said he was waiting for the President to declare 
he doesn't believe in rule of law.

"Let him overthrow his own government by fighting the rule of law," Kikungwe said.

Wesonga Kamana (Bubulo West) said the president would have appealed against the ruling 
in the higher court of law. "But we should also pray for this country," Kamana said.

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Legal and Judicial Affairs 
Lubaga South MP John Ken Lukyamuzi said it was unfortunate for the President who is 
the fountain of honour to openly criticise the institution he is supposed to respect.

Kassanda South MP and Legal Committee vice chairperson Mr Nyombi Tembo said the 
President's remarks were not a rejection of the court ruling but a mere observation of 
an important matter. "I don't think the president rejected the court ruling. He just 
made an observation. He was just complaining on the judgement. When one tries to cause 
a crisis and you are the one in power you must show that you are in control".

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