From: President Amin
To: Prime Minister Edward Heath and Sir Alec Douglas-Home, assuring them of my continued friendship.

May 21, 1974


It is almost three years since I paid a visit to the United Kingdom during which you warmly and generously welcomed and entertained me, as Prime minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, respectively. Since then, because of my declaring Economic War in Uganda, both of you have had some hard and nasty things to say about me, but I wish to assure both of you that you are still my best friends.

For Mr Edward Heath in particular, I remember your warm welcome, the dinner and reception that you gave me as a guest of your government.

For Sir Alec Douglas-Home, I wish to assure you of my continued genuine friendship and regard for you; as, indeed, I have a special liking for Scottish people. May I request you to pass my best regards and wishes to all my Scottish brothers and sisters whose warm and generous welcome during my visit I still remember with admiration.

Al-Hajji General Idi Amin Dada,
V.C, D.S.O, M.C,
President of the Republic of Uganda

Ochan Otim
NB:  I hope you will find time to read and sign a petition to stop the Northern Uganda carnage at:

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