Mystery Continues in 10-Year-Old Downing of Plane That Started
Rwandan Genocide
Alex Belida
30 Mar 2004, 20:48 UTC

A recent French news report stirred controversy by alleging Rwanda's
current president, Paul Kagame, was responsible for a missile attack
that marked the start of the 1994 genocide. But as the 10th
anniversary of the killing draws near, declassified U.S. government
documents point at another culprit.

The French newspaper Le Monde triggered an international controversy
in early March when it reported on an investigation by a French judge
into the April 6, 1994 downing of an airplane carrying the then
Rwandan president, Juvenal Habyarimana.

Le Monde, citing the judge's official report, said French authorities
have concluded then Rwandan rebel leader Paul Kagame gave the orders
for the missile attack that brought down the plane. Mr. Habyarimana's
death marked the start of the Rwandan genocide.

Mr. Kagame is now Rwanda's president. He has rejected the French

Man in Nyamata looks at hundreds of skulls at a memorial for genocide
Newly-released, declassified U.S. government documents also
contradict the French version.

One is a memo to the Secretary of Defense written two days after the
plane crash in Kigali. It says Hutu extremists "probably shot down
the president's plane."

Another document, a May 9, 1994 Defense Intelligence Agency report,
also points to Hutu extremists - this time, a group within Rwanda's

The DIA report explains that President Habyarimana, a Hutu, supported
a reconciliation agreement with Mr. Kagame's mainly-Tutsi rebel
group. It says Hutu hardliners were against the peace-and-power-
sharing deal, especially provisions for integrating Tutsis into a new

The report then goes on to say, quoting now, that "fueled antipathy
to the president among hardline elements within the Army,
particularly the Presidential Guard." It concludes the plane
crash "was actually an assassination conducted by Hutu military

The State Department appeared to share that view. Another
declassified document says the truth behind President Habyarimana's
death may never be known. But there are, in the State Department
document's words, "credible but unconfirmed reports that Hutu
elements in the military" opposed to a peace deal with the
Tutsis "killed Habyarimana in order to block the accords."

Almost immediately after the president was killed, Hutu extremists
began the systematic slaughter of ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus
who supported reconciliation. The violence was directed by high-level
Rwandan government officials.

Bizarrely, that declassified memo to the then U.S. Secretary of
Defense written two days after the plane crash took an optimistic
view of the situation.

It reported what the document termed "a glimmer of hope that this
crisis is waning" - based on the fact there had been a meeting
between government and rebel generals and the leader of U.N.
peacekeepers in Rwanda.

But the meeting did not bring about a hoped-for cease-fire or a
disengagement of forces. In the bloodshed that followed the
assassination of the president, more than three-quarters of a million
Rwandans died.

The declassified documents were obtained and released by the National
Security Archive, an independent, non-governmental research institute
attached to George Washington University in Washington, D.C.
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